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US 1719

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A hacker by the name of :GB: Donald. it started at 11:30PM ET till 11:40PM ET, driving back from Stary sobor with a friend, we came across said hacker spawning vehicles. we had killed him as he got out of his car, while looting his body he respawned back at his body somewhere outside of elektro. my buddy had killed him again and we drove off in our bus. my buddy picked me up in elektro and as we were driving along the south shore going east he respawned inside a new vehicle attempting to kill us again ramming into our bus making my friend start bleeding, we ended up killing him again but as we were driving off he destroyed our bus when he wasn't around us! the bus broke down and caught fire, we lost all of our stuff and he killed my friend afterwards when he wasn't even around us. fortunately for us my friend recorded this things with fraps and if need be we can provide video evidence that he was hacking.

justice needs to be served here.

thanks for your time


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