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Trade skills, Experience with said skills and Profession.

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So I love Dayz but right now its really just a race to end game gear then what? be bored maybe drive around a little get a good spot and snipe someone that's walking around. This is something that even if it had a lot of support probably would have to be added in the stand alone.

An Idea could be to add trade skills, professions, and your passed life pre Zombie apocalypse to the game for example you spawn in you get a small window that reads

(Select what your character was doing per-apocalypse)


Gun Smith



Police Officer

(Make a suggestion for other things these are just some I doodled down on my way home from work today)

Now before your read all that I want people to know once you pick something it doesn't mean your stuck with that role maybe you could find a book of automotive repair and read it therefore you are now skilled in lets say medicine and a little in car repair. So maybe the only way to be able to start a new skill along with your current is to find the book which will be pretty rare since the spawn can be quite low (maybe because the temperature and exposure to whether effects ruined a lot of the books)

However I'm currently unsure whether dieing in game would reset your skills or you could choose to carry them over. I'm currently leaning towards carrying over mostly because people would be to afraid to approach someone in town and risk getting killed and lose their characters knowledge. However on the other hand if everyone spawned new and had no current experience then they wouldn't be so afraid to die since their is no work in their character thus this would allow players to meet people and slowly build a trusting group therefore leading to a more competitive end game experience with groups of players roaming around instead of a clan here a clan there and a lonely guy with a sniper rifle.

Mechanic: (Could repair vehicles easier possibly jury rig something until necessary parts arise)

Gun Smith (If guns ever have condition issues he could possibly repair them with scrap)

Medic (Could help heal bones possibly use bandage and wood to make a splint and a crutch)

Ex-convict (more of the lone wolf/bandit person feels much less remorse for doing bad things such as killing and stealing)

Police Officer (Increased accuracy with guns (good for bandits but also heroes))

A good way to increase your characters skill would be finding books Dev team could possibly add a library so its another building to loot or the player could just do what their chosen role is best at.

(Book of medicine) - Spawns inside hospitals

(Guide to gun repair) - spawn inside Industrial places

(Guide to Automotive repair) - also spawns in industrial factories

(How to handle weapons for dummies) - military loot spawns maybe rarer spawns in civilian places

(Memoirs of a madman)- Spawns in civilian spawns but perhaps dev's could add a jail house that could have the prisoners diaries.

I think that maybe lower levels should sustain lower things such as

Gun smith that just spawn cant repair an AS50 right away without a high risk of botching something and breaking the gun

Medic that just spawned cant treat a shattered leg without a high risk of making it worse and possibly severing an artery cause the player to bleed to death.

Police officer cant handle the big guns right away (obviously would be one of the easier classes to use since all you have to do is shoot but maybe if they added some of the zombie suggestions this character could be better)

Mechanic's cant just find a car and repair the engine without the necessary high risk of completely disabling the car (maybe a more seasoned mechanic could fix this but only them)

Ex-Convicts (im not to sure what theirs could be) maybe they could have a small insanity factor they would worry about their family if they had one but after awhile they could just kill people or go find a book and come to terms with it and use the rage against others. (leave a suggestion)

I think this would possibly give more of an incentive to group up with people, However you would be unable to see what roll they pick that way if someone is following a group they wont be able to just pick off their medic they'll maybe have to track them and watch them and see which one is which. So it will also give more of a thrill for bandits to kill someone instead of now where it's "oh look there's some one *bam* *bam* done" and then they just move on.

This would possibly help curb death matching with players where its just "someones in the grocery store better just shoot and kill them" It may not fix this but people will probably be more cautious if they see a group of 3 guys rolling around and maybe save those bullets for something else other than a Mexican stand off and try to talk the group into taking them in.

If you read the entire thing which I recommend you to do before commenting just because I want this to be seriously debated and not just shot down by someone saying "No to complex" I think this is a realistic idea and makes sense that the survivors actually use knowledge from there per-apocalypse lives.

Edited by Bratalise
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Hmm it is nice alot like fallout in a way but I dont know if the leveling up really fits with the DayZ mod maybe the standalone. i didn't really understand the book thing so if you find a medicine book it spawns a hospital?

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Hmm it is nice alot like fallout in a way but I dont know if the leveling up really fits with the DayZ mod maybe the standalone. i didn't really understand the book thing so if you find a medicine book it spawns a hospital?

Sorry i didn't proof read they could spawn in hospitals and could help the medic with more complicated procedures, and I know the leveling thing doesn't fit Dayz world well so maybe it would just be there's always a chance of failure no matter what but as your character become experienced that risk goes down and success rises. I dont want it to turn into a grind till max level thing. Even to reach a 100% success rate would be nearly impossible that way people could always have that anxiety to be careful what they toy around with.

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Not the classes thing again! <_<

You act like it's a bad idea care to explain?

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I like skills/professions. But in all honesty, I believe this is the wrong way to go about it. Gun Smith? All gun nuts usually have more experience firing said weapon than a police officer.

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I like skills/professions. But in all honesty, I believe this is the wrong way to go about it. Gun Smith? All gun nuts usually have more experience firing said weapon than a police officer.

Police officers are trained to fire under pressure they have to hit someone while being fired back at or being charged at while a gun collector casually goes to the range and does not of the training to fire while being chased by a few zombies or while being fired back at.

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No classes, EVER.

Explain to me why don't just comment with 3 words...

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Explain to me why don't just comment with 3 words...

You cannot simply have an advantage, such as repairing vehicles or being able to heal someone's leg faster than everyone els, simply because you have a perk or you are a certain class.

This is not Cod, or Battlefield. There are no classes, you start off as a survivor, and you can choose to be a bandit if you want.

Edited by koze

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You cannot simply have an advantage, such as repairing vehicles or being able to heal someone's leg simply because you have a perk or you are a certain class.

This is not Cod, or Battlefield. There are no classes, you start off as a survivor, and you can choose to be a bandit if you want.

You obviously didn't read at all, No part of this is like cod or battlefield. No one person has an advantage over the rest, everyone can still do the normal activities but if you have someone who is specialized in the field you'll have a better chance of success. In complete honesty your a survivor not a magician its completely unrealistic how someone can properly apply morphine, blood bags, fix a car engine, and fire a 50 caliber gun. There needs to be a risk of failure to be realistic.

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You obviously didn't read at all, No part of this is like cod or battlefield. No one person has an advantage over the rest, everyone can still do the normal activities but if you have someone who is specialized in the field you'll have a better chance of success. In complete honesty your a survivor not a magician its completely unrealistic how someone can properly apply morphine, blood bags, fix a car engine, and fire a 50 caliber gun. There needs to be a risk of failure to be realistic.

Mechanic: (Could repair vehicles easier possibly jury rig something until necessary parts arise)

Gun Smith (If guns ever have condition issues he could possibly repair them with scrap)

Medic (Could help heal bones possibly use bandage and wood to make a splint and a crutch)

Ex-convict (more of the lone wolf/bandit person feels much less remorse for doing bad things such as killing and stealing)-wtf is this shit? We already have bandits.

Police Officer (Increased accuracy with guns (good for bandits but also heroes))

Yes, no one has an advantage over anyone els? If you feel you like to be a medic or someshit then you hold everyone's medical supplys, and bloodbag,bandage or morphene your teamates when they need it. If you want to be a mechanic/engineer you find vehicle parts for what vehicles you have, or fly them.

You do not pick classes in this game, you build them with your current characteristics. Also Dean said he'll never add classes, so this thread is pointless anyway.

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The whole experience of doing that is a discovery in itself. So any element of complexity that we’re adding, I think, is going to add more depth to the game. Maybe instead of putting morphine into your leg… You can do that, but you go into a limping animation tree. Or maybe we can give you a splint. Maybe you have to craft a splint. Maybe you have to find someone who’s got a doctor skill to help you heal it. I think adding those tools to the world like that, as well as construction, will give players more options. Which, I’m hoping, will mean that less people will just go around killing players, because there will be more challenging stuff to do. - interview with Rocket


Looks like doctor classes will be there.

And as i commented before there needs to be a failure rate to make these classes work.

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Anything that makes this game closer to World of Warcraft is something I don't want to see happen. That grind-heavy busywork stuff is the opposite of fun to some people (including me), and even then the only reason it was implemented in MMOs was to make people waste time so they didn't run through game content before their subscription renewal date came up.

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Well you dont have to heavy grind to it it could just be something that is casually worked towards as you find books and do what ever it is your character does as of right now the most important person would be a medic since everyone gets hurt that wouldn't be a heavy grind since your bandaging anyway. All these skills are things that you do anyway I.E repairing cars or shooting zombies. It's not like sitting in the forest killing boars for 2 experience points a piece, it a casual "oh look my success rate has gone up for this"

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Sorry i didn't proof read they could spawn in hospitals and could help the medic with more complicated procedures, and I know the leveling thing doesn't fit Dayz world well so maybe it would just be there's always a chance of failure no matter what but as your character become experienced that risk goes down and success rises. I dont want it to turn into a grind till max level thing. Even to reach a 100% success rate would be nearly impossible that way people could always have that anxiety to be careful what they toy around with.

Ok thanks for clearing the spawning hospitals :) I kind of like the idea because everyone would have a proffesion before real life! It would eliminate people finding an AS50, murdering people and not doing anything else! Nice post great job.

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Ok thanks for clearing the spawning hospitals :) I kind of like the idea because everyone would have a proffesion before real life! It would eliminate people finding an AS50, murdering people and not doing anything else! Nice post great job.

Thanks buddy :)

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I am for skills being added to the game as the intrinsic value they add to a characters life is the only thing that will push players toward valuing their characters life outside of their gear. This will really will onlhy incrase the penalty for death but I am for that, I think it will make people take more authentic actions.

Skills also represent an acceptable barrier to entry that can assist with curbing simple DM gameplay, if skills are required it will force players to invest a minimum amount of time into their character and as this time increases more and more players will be pushed away from simply throwing that investement away with simple DM game play. This won't really result in less KOS or Bandit activity, but it would push more people toward actually playing what DayZ is, an apocalypse survival sim not giant world DM.

I think your system would result in skills being to freely disbursed, with the current loot systems these libraries would simply be farmed and entire groups would be max skilled within an hour. Also I think "classes" force people into roles and this limits immersion and the conection a player feels toward their character, if a player is able to choose everything about their character they are inherently going to be more invested in that character. This is what needs to be maximised IMO, the investment a player has with their character.

Those people that bitch about skills bieng included are simply blind to the fact that skills/classes are already included via items, its just that every character has the ability to master all skills through aquisition of all items and then transfer them by transfering the items. This is simply easy mode of skills/classes as it bypasses the perma death, I would prefer to see intrinsic value added to each character.

I would accept some items that buff skills or act as a replacement for skill, like an epi-pen could replace CPR skills. Or hemostatic powder could replace bandage skills, etc.

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I am for skills being added to the game as the intrinsic value they add to a characters life is the only thing that will push players toward valuing their characters life outside of their gear. This will really will onlhy incrase the penalty for death but I am for that, I think it will make people take more authentic actions.

Skills also represent an acceptable barrier to entry that can assist with curbing simple DM gameplay, if skills are required it will force players to invest a minimum amount of time into their character and as this time increases more and more players will be pushed away from simply throwing that investement away with simple DM game play. This won't really result in less KOS or Bandit activity, but it would push more people toward actually playing what DayZ is, an apocalypse survival sim not giant world DM.

I think your system would result in skills being to freely disbursed, with the current loot systems these libraries would simply be farmed and entire groups would be max skilled within an hour. Also I think "classes" force people into roles and this limits immersion and the conection a player feels toward their character, if a player is able to choose everything about their character they are inherently going to be more invested in that character. This is what needs to be maximised IMO, the investment a player has with their character.

Those people that bitch about skills bieng included are simply blind to the fact that skills/classes are already included via items, its just that every character has the ability to master all skills through aquisition of all items and then transfer them by transfering the items. This is simply easy mode of skills/classes as it bypasses the perma death, I would prefer to see intrinsic value added to each character.

I would accept some items that buff skills or act as a replacement for skill, like an epi-pen could replace CPR skills. Or hemostatic powder could replace bandage skills, etc.

i completely agree Mr. two

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