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US 1023 Ban Logs

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For use on other servers and general logging of events that have happened on US 1023 during the last few days.



Edited by Max Planck
Please edit out IPs before posting.

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I would like to see your full logs please.

I would appreciate if they were PMd to me as I am not a hacker and have not personally played DayZ in over a month.

Not to mention I am a server owner myself and this makes no sense. I would like to get a copy of your logs to send to Battleye if you do not mind.

Due to this posting of yours I have been banned off of other arma mods I play when this information is not correct. I am unsure what exactly has happened here but I would like to have Battleye take a look at it and see if something else is going on such as Spoofing and the sort.

Im very confused of these findings and would like more clarification to be able to sort this out and clear my name.

You do realize it is not very professional of you to post my personal details on a public site including but not limited to my IP, my GUID, and name. I would appreciate if this was corrected.

EDIT: I would also like to know what proper channels you went through with the DayZmod staff on issuing this ban/log ban accusation.


Edited by Master Brain

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Master Brain, I'm gonna use your ip and guid to hack the internet and the FBI. You're going to the slammer, big boy.

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Are there any other logs showing his activity on the server?

I ask because he has not been on Day Z at all, as far as I am aware. Besides I can't find him on the ARMA 2 Game Stats page for that date: http://arma2.swec.se/server/data/275899

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