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Shortl after dying with my MP5 and G17 today at Balota, I spawned at Kamenka. I started the long journey to get my guns back. As I was running down the coast I looked behing be only to find a bandit following me. Now dont get me wrong Im a bandit, but Im not stupid like this guy. He was actually running after me. So I turned around waited a second to see if he was friendly. He fired a shot and hit me in the arm. I brought up my mak and put a good 5 shots in his chest and hit him the head at least once also. He fell to the ground and I went up to his unconscious body and put another 2 shots in his head. Accuracy,Accuracy,Accuracy.....

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People always lose the mak as quick as they can. I however like it. With head shots, it does a good amount of damage (kills zeds with one bullet) and ammo is always plentiful. It's down to your accuracy. Always a laugh though when people try to kill you with it from about 300 yards away!

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