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So you died? What's your routine after respawning?

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Usually I spend a moment figuring out where I got shot from and then swear that I will never be so obvious again...

After spawning I like to dip into the nearest town with a supermarket to pickup a bigger backpack, that's my only real priority. I don't roll with a group normally or have a base due to the saving bug so I normally do something different every life, therefore I don't really have a set routine beyond that.

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It depends on where I spawn. If I've already done my homework, I just hit up my tent, and I'm good to go.

If I spawn fresh, first order of business is always to find a hatchet. Then I want to hit civilian targets to fill the bottom slots in my inventory, and possibly find a bino. When this is done, I go North and stay in the woods.

If I spawn at Kamenka, I go to the warehouse at the docs and try to find a hatchet. Afterwards I head to the train station, and skulk around the village a bit before either heading straight to the deer stands, or straight to Komarovo (Koma).

If I spawn in Koma, I head to the docs and find a hatchet. Then I head for the train station, skulk around town a bit, and then go to Balota and raid the airport.

If I spawn in Balota, I also go to the docs first. Hit up the train station, skulk around the village, and then I head to the airport.

When I'm done with this, I try to head for a city with a store. And when I'm done with that, I'm usually good to head up North.

If I'm close to Cherno or Elektro, the first order of the day is also go to industrial buildings, get hatchet, then head for the civilian hot spots, and the store.

In the cities I generally try to avoid the military hot-spots unless there's no one around. Most importantly, I avoid exposure to the hills and tall buildings. Instead I hug the walls, and avoid contact with anyone.

I only go into the cities very early in the game, as I've got much less to loose.

Later in the game, I'll stay in the forest, working the villages and stalking whoever I hear doing noob mistakes.

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run to cherno,

loot fire station, hospital general store, church and the red houses

take a trip to the balota airstrip


Edited by Kickasso

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Everyone dies sometime, for whatever reason, but what do you do to recover from it?

Do you run off to a specific area to grab a gun first, or what?

If I can, I go to the military tents in Cherno. If not, I go to the fire stations then to markets for a pack. All I need is a assault rifle of some sort and some food, then I'm ready to go back to killing.

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Depends on where i spawn.

Usally i avoid the two biggest cities entirely. so if i spawn west of cherno. i run to balota to see if im lucky.. otherwise i go north.

if i spawn east of Elektro i run with the coast up to Berezino and then west.

however, i always scavenge the first city i find, cause maybe there is a hatchet for me :P

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1 Find weapon

2. Find Heli parts

3. find a boat

4. go to skalitsy island

5. make a tent with weapons and heli parts and hide it on a server w/ no heli (always good to have spare weapons so if i spawn nearer the island)

6. try to find a good main server for clan xD (incomplete)

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if I die after a long period of surviving I usually make for the nearest city, grab as many Zeds as poss and run round looking for others to stand by!

after doing that and dieing I then go back to collecting tins of beanz...

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If I'm close to where I died, then I try to get my kit back if it's worth it. Other than that a mad dash around all the loot spawns in Cherno or Electro. You soon get used to where everything is, the only problem is how many bandits are around.

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Everyone dies sometime, for whatever reason, but what do you do to recover from it?

Do you run off to a specific area to grab a gun first, or what?

Depending under what circumstances i died, i will allways try to recover valuable stuff from my corpse first, Dropping by the nearest barn for a hatchet and some food and drinks.

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Wait for my homies to come pick me up in the caddi. If no caddi, run to cherno, electro, or berezino. Gun, meds, food, pack. Goto camp, get better gunz.

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