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A Metal Viking

Looking for DayZ Partner to join group of 3-5

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-EDIT: Wrong title, currently a 2 player group.

Prefer the more serious type I guess, but good to have a laugh,

and a MIC is a must.

Age of 18+

We are a decent group of players that take a more tactical approach.

We also mostly aim to engage other players more, and currently hang around Elektro/Cherno.

Preferably be from Europe due to ping issues, but will happily play with you if would like to use these servers.

We are from the UK.

Message me if interested,

We use Skype and Mumble atm, Talk soon maybe =)

Edited by A Metal Viking

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hey im from uk, and wouldnt mind joining you guys. got skype and mic too, skype name is richkempo if you wanna add me

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