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L85A2 AWS for trade

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Hey guys.. I have 2 L85A2 AWS' for trade. Is anyone interested?

1) I would really like some silenced weapons with ammo and some ammo for the m9sd.

2) Also like an m14 aim with ammo

3) Maybe a bizon sd?

I also have an as50 with ammo and some ghillie suits

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Please tell me you got something no one else have?

M24, M9 (Not the SD), M136 Launcher, M240?

Edited by Minamo

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L85 , AS50, Ghillie suits, NVG's and Rangefinders, most common things in the mod..

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Oh ok.. Um.. Then I have nothing to trade then i guess

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See if you can located your self a SVD Camo . M24 M240 or the rocket launcher, thoes are uncommon xD

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These guys are just fucking with you, not a lot of people will trade because of duping :(

Its so easy to get stuff now

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