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Frustrated as all heck

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When I first started playing this game I would have instant load screens. I love this game, but spending hours trying to get in a server with no eval just kills the motivation to even play this game. If the game isn't broken don't add more content. This is the fail of every game I play. This humanity crap? Who cares. It's disappointing that there is only 1 way to load the game up, and play with six is so buggy. Every time I load the software I get prompted to install it again. I'm playing on a router with another player, and it seem that everytime one of us join or vice versa into the same server we get the "connection has failed", "0 kb loading" screen freeze, and standard annoying messages that everyone else receives. Was there protection added to prevent 2 people from the same ip getting into a server? We have the most current patch, and have installed the game properly. I don't understand why it's russian roulette trying to get in a server. I'm getting tired of attempting every server on the list, if I'm lucky enough to get in one, then I usually get the red chain of death as soon as I join. Does this game not run dependent servers, or what's the fail?

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Please vent your complaints towards your friends, as the forum community does not care and cannot help you. If you want help, present your issue in a way that people can recognize and deal with.

Edited by Xucphra

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Well let me first begin to congratulate you on a nonsensical wall of text rage, it is quite beautiful and did in fact fill me with an instant dislike of you as a person.

Now with the pleasantry out of the way let me begin by trying to help you a little. Firstly no there is no problem with multiple people joining form the same IP address it just sounds like you have a slow internet connection or a slow dodgy router please tell me what speed your connection is and I can advise you if this is the problem. As for your router are you connecting via wireless if so expect connection issues and when was the last time you restarted it.

Secondly some servers can take ages to join normally these are high populated servers as this is a free game a free mod and makes no money for the developers they have decided to leave it to the community to host servers so some of those servers can be a little slow at times but you should appreciate everyone of them that is online. Why you may ask because people are paying good money for you to be able to play a game. Generally you can find low pop servers with a decent ping that will connect very fast the usual servers i connect too take almost no time to connect too.

Thirdly yes the game has bugs its an ALPHA if you dont know what that is take a look here http://en.wikipedia....g#Alpha_testing that explains what alpha testing is LOTS OF BUGS LOTS OF PROBLEMS but its voluntary you don't have to play it and again here i remind you this is free.

Finally I end my crazy rant saying I hope I can help you solve your problem be nice and reply with relevant information and I am sure I can help you discover the cause of your frustration and give you a solution.

Edited by bobstefanio

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The fail is that it's just an Alpha at the moment and not a polished triple A title that would normally cost you $60.

Give it time or come back when it's not an Alpha anymore.

We can help with most of your problems if you provide more info.

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Lol @ trolling responses. Read again, or would you like me to use smaller words?

My router is fine, my internet is fine, and no I'm not using wireless. My ping is in the green. I've filtered servers down with six to limit the garbage. I've even resorted to joining servers with < 5 people and still no dice. Like most people I purchased arma to play this mod. I'm saying whatever this game is doing it's taking steps backwards, because playing is more of a chore than anything right now. Before it got hyped it ran beautifully.

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I am feeling less and less inclined to help you the more you post.

Yes i noticed the fact that you said you where connecting with a router at no point did you tell us if the router was fine. What types of checks did you perform or are you assuming your net connection and router are fine because you can play youtube videos ? Are you able to play perfectly well when only one of you connect ? I am not sure if you are aware of this but Dayz does take quite a bit of bandwidth to play so two people connecting on a 3mb connection wont work at all. You want at least 8mb if not more to play smoothly.

Like most people you purchased ARMA to play this mod but that does not give you the right to complain and give out about it. You didn't buy Dayz you bought ARMA Day'z is still just a free mod. From the little more you described of the problem it seems you may have an outdated beta version or an outdated dayz version but primarily it sounds like a connection issue. If you could fill out the following information it would be ever so helpful in identifying the problem.

Router Model:

Internet Connection Type:(Cable, DSL, Satalite, 3g)

Upload Speed:

Download Speed:

Arma II Beta Version:

Dayz Client Version:

Dayz Launcher:(six launcher, dayzCommander, Ingame browser with a shortcut launcher)

And yes I under stand you are frustrated and annoyed but I am trying to help so if you could fill out the information it will tell me a lot.

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