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opus (DayZ)

Anyone from the West Coast?

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I've only been playing for 4-5 days and have been lonewolfing from the start pretty much, I had a pretty good stock of supplies and weapons until I got teleported into the sky and died from the fall with some other guys. I spent hours looking for my body but eventually gave up.

I'm a friendly player and haven't shot anyone that hasn't attacked me first. Does anyone want to team up? I don't really mind if you're not on the west coast, I'll play with anyone but that's preferred.

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I've been playing about as long as you have and would be down to team up. I usually play at night (PST). Let me know if you're down :)

Yeah I can play tonight, my steam ID is threemev

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I live just outside of Vancouver, so I'm literally on the West coast of Canada. Also I'm just at the very bottom of Canada too, so right near the States. I wouldn't mind playing with a few players too.


I also had the same hack happen to me last night, and lost great gear. I had lost a very rare weapon and an extremely rare one too. Also had every tool, ect. Sucks but I don't mind... It doesn't take me long to loot up!

Edited by CerebralZombie

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I'm up to some group gaming! Sick of dying alone. Steam ID: Gzack123

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I'll join up with someone, steam ID: Deet - should be the first one, with the 10th mountain tag :)

Edited by Deet

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Okay, let's make a group or something? Just to keep everything organized, and get everyone invited.

Edit: Okay look if you want I made a group on Steam called: Western Survivors

Edited by Gzack

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