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Looking for fellow survivors to team up with!

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Hello, I have been playing DayZ for a couple days now and have figured out that the game is really hard to play alone, So I think i'm ready to start making friends. I have ventrilo and a mic as long as you dont mind talking to a teenager...

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hay there's about 15 of us that play on all different server's for now. but we are waiting for our server to be set up. but you are welcome to join us on ts we are a 19+ only

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Hey there!

my Skype name is frazer_heredge98

I'm from the Uk and I'm 14 years old,

I'm alone to and need a survivor so I would play with you,

Just one question, how old are you? And are you from the Uk too? :)

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I am 13 from the USA. I added you on skype. The only problem is we live on opposite sides of the world...

Edited by Andrewv1216

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i got some friends we play with a lot, we are around 16-19 and we kinda just screw around and kill people but sometime we try to find loot too haha if you wanna join us.

I'll join if you don't mind! Old enough and from the USA, sick of dying alone.

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