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Hobs (DayZ)

Cannot not play dayz properly

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Alright so I cannot play dayz properly at all. So I cannot use six launcher or dayz commander because whenever I launched them i get a error: clr error 80004005, Tried fixing that forever and all the goggled "solutions" never truly worked.

So I get stuck on loading on half the servers, only to found out i'm on 17.2.4 still, but when I clearly updated my beta build to the newest, same with battleye, and I defiantly downloaded the newest dayz version. Just to make sure I had the right version, I copied my friends dayz file who was running it to mine. This would be much simplier to solve if I could run dayz commander and use that to update. Instead I just launch arma 2 oa through steam and play dayz that way. I'm in dire need of help.

tl;dr - Dayz commander/six launcher won't work, game won't update, can't play properly.

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Everything is up to date, My specs are fine to play the game(That wouldn't even cause this issue). Windows 7.

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