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Hero vs Bandit

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I know this has probably been said before but wanna get my own take on it.

Ive been playins as a hero for a week or so now. One thing that is annoying is that the hero skin is probably the most noticable on the game.

This got me thinking.

When you achieve Hero or Bandit Status. You should then be offered some sort of customisation for how you look.

eg. - Changing colours of clothing (as long as its not rediculous)

- Accesories

Aswell as having unique access to certain items to reward and aid you further in which ever path you choose to take

eg. Hero gets a taser so he doesnt have to kill hostile players.

also. The more humanity ou are the more hero like you look and vice versa

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If this somehow gets implemented, I would like to see an "uber bandit" skin for bandits with exceptionally low humanities.

And it's pretty unrealistic for a tazer to just teleport into your pocket because you gave a dude a blood transfusion.

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ive been thinking along the same lines too.

say at -50000 humanity. you get the jason hockey mask (currently a hacked in skin)

and at +50000 humanity you get a white hat with a red medic cross on it ( or w/e)

i think starting as a hero you should get extra bandages

and starting as a bandit you start with the axe or a melee knife (ofc once melee is introduced)

you can then expand from there for getting +/-100k you get cooler skins better starting items etc

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And then this game starts to compete with COD or BF3. I like the Ideas dont get me wrong but this game in my opinion works that great because it has none of them. No rewards exept for ur hard work u maybe find a good weapon after firefight on dead body or such. It will turn into a Multiplayerversion of Stalker (by the way I would die for a Stalker MMO) and then it will lose fans because of COD or BF3 have the better bla bla bla.

I am actually Bandit. But since i running mostly with Ghillie suits i dont see my Bandit skin anyway neither can anybody else. So maybe they should just give the opinion for everybody how to look like as Hero/Bandit/Survivor.

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It's pretty much concensus at this point that giving players visual ques as to whether another player is a hero or bandit is a bad idea, ruins much of the tension.

Moreover, what about a sniper member of a medic clan, he happens to take all the shots and rarely gives blood... should he be marked as a bandit?

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I like the idea of a taser, would be nice to have a way to incapacitate players without killing them.

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A tazer would be extremely nice to have in the game, and would probably reduce PKing. Althought it shouldnt be just for heros.

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ive been thinking along the same lines too.

say at -50000 humanity. you get the jason hockey mask (currently a hacked in skin)

and at +50000 humanity you get a white hat with a red medic cross on it ( or w/e)

i think starting as a hero you should get extra bandages

and starting as a bandit you start with the axe or a melee knife (ofc once melee is introduced)

you can then expand from there for getting +/-100k you get cooler skins better starting items etc

Do you know how hard it is to get +5000 humanity? It takes +40 blood transfusions from 0 humanity. Do you know how easy it is to get -5000 humanity? It's like 2 murders from 5000 humanity.

Making that ridiculous statement of 50k humanity to become an "Uber Hero" is obviously not thought out. Heros and Bandits ARE NOT equals. Being a Hero, if some dick survivor starts shooting at you and you kill him, you go down to 1000 or so humanity. Bandits are just cunts with guns, shooting everything, there should be no reward for spawn camping the coast.

Heros should be the only path that is rewarded, because if you start rewarding banditry, you'll have few, if any, Heros left.

And if you say, "oh, not all bandits with -50k camp the coast", then you need to play DayZ.

Edited by TheDesigner

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