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UK 373 - Godmode, AS50 TWS, Admins resetting the server

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Good evening fellas, as I was hunting down the brony meetup today on UK 373, I ran into some hackers on their server.

I ran into the helo and shot it down. One player, Mason died instantly. Second one with hero skin jumped out of the helo crash, running around the crash site. I took a shot at him with AS50 (nato mags), nothing happens. Next second, he starts running towards me. Second shot, nothing happens again. Damn shame I aint got a picture of the hero, but here it shows Mason dying.


Well, that aint all. I decide to play it dirty and ghost on them since the godmode hacker might still be there. I log in and look around only to find a guy with soldier clothing and AS50 TWS standing around, I take the shot and he goes down. "Mason was killed". Looks like either he got a teleport back there and some items spawned, or did it himself. Who knows. You can see him laying down on the ground, with the TWS scope pointing up in the sky.


I also killed another guy who was there, nothing suspicious about him. Couple seconds later the server reset, how convenient.


As you can see from the screenshot names, timeline was 16:50 - 17:13, dated today.

Friendship and Magic eh?

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