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Real Dayz locations xD

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So yeah guys...my job includes much driving...and because i play to much DayZ many real life locations remember me of locations in Chernarus xD

So one day i got bored and dicided to make a stop at the street and just take some shots :D

Do you have real life DayZ locations? Share em :P

Heres mine:

I wonder if i find a M24 on this deer stand...


No M24 on the Deer stand, so lets check this Barn for a CZ550 atleast...


After respawning at Otmel i made my way up to Rogs Castle...


Damn i got lost without a compass...but wait...is this...Green Mountain...?


So much for my boredness xD

Sorry for the shitty quality...didnt have my real cam on me...

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The pictures where shot in Saxony/Germany...to be exact: Near Döbeln/Oschatz/Liebschützberg

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The pictures where shot in Saxony/Germany...to be exact: Near Döbeln/Oschatz/Liebschützberg

ausgezeichnet! drive a few klicks south and you're there

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Some people actually went out to the actual place, BI did a great job on recreating the area, it's very accurate to how it is in real life.

Wow didnt know something like that existed! Now i feel bad about my photos xD

And i didnt know Chernarus was so close to me :D

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I have no pictures atm but I that's some funny shit :D

Saw a S1203 van in reallife yesterday and instantly thought at DayZ - I must be addicted :D

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I was checking this in Google Maps a few days ago and thought how awesome would it be to land a Huey on top of the International Hotel in Cherno and start sniping unarmed people.

Nah, not cool at all.

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