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Vehicles spawning with loot inside?

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I've found a offroad pickup truck with loot inside of it(cz550,5 cans of beans and two road flares) I was wondering is this normal or am I competeing to fix a vehicle?

p.s. the pickup truck has nothing repaired

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It's normal! If you find the UAZ spawn you can even get some RGO frags.

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oh thanks now I can know someones not going to steal it for now..

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It's normal! If you find the UAZ spawn you can even get some RGO frags.

when the hell did you get forum team :P

and vehicles can have different loot in them. its not always the same item spawn (multiple presets)

Edited by Buffjesus
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ive also found offroad with exactly 1 CZ550, 5cans of beans and 2 roadflares. and it was damaged RED with no fuel and wheels.

also found GAZ (or however is it called) with stuff at its spawn point

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when the hell did you get forum team :P

and vehicles can have different loot in them. its not always the same item spawn (multiple presets)

Earlier today. Don't worry, I'm still deeply ill-informed and argumentative.

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