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DayZ Killing my Internet

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I got DayZ a few days ago and connected with no problems but the last 2 days I can't connect. I was using Play with 6 and that stopped working so I got DayZ Commander but still nothing. It's strange because as soon as I click on a server in DayZ Commander the ping will go from (lets say) 43 up to 10000 and if I try and connect it either won't let me or it starts loading then freezes saying "Waiting to create player" or something. If I quit after it has done this and if I try and load up my internet browser it won't for up to 10 minutes, it pops up saying "Can't connect to server" but no only on my gaming PC but also on my laptop (completely separate but on same internet). I know its not my download as I get 200GB per month and there is no way I've used that up and after 10 minutes or so my internet comes back fine, until I try and connect to DayZ anyway. Can someone please help me with this?


Edited by Kylegooseman

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I get this too but I can get into games. I don't know why it goes from 30ping to 10000 on every server I click on for dayz commander.

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That is most likely Dayzcommander bug or design as it hogs your bandwith (slows down internet) while refreshing severs, leave it to load all of the servers then manually refresh servers once you have your filters set, see below.


Also in Dayzcommander make sure under versions you have all up to date, then in Filter check Hide wrong Dayz Version and Hide Wrong arma 2. Try and see if you can connect to any of the servers.

You may also want to check close Dayz commander (after joining server) that is in settings options. For some reason I had really bad FPS if Dayzcommander was running in background.

hope that helps buddy...

Edited by superhik

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In dayz-commander

Go into settings & reduce the max connections.

Most likely your router is choking & dieing with the amount of connections

It has basicly died / lost internet thats why your ping goes to 10000 & u are stuck waiting for host.

Edited by Torndeco

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I have the same problem, but try'd everything out. Updating, downgrading, the amount of connections.. i had 3 there and 1000.. no differences! If i refresh the serverlist my internt goes down.. skype loses connection, nothing can be found/load. If i cancel the refresh or its done, a few seconds and everything works normal.. but it cant be that this shit dayz commander stops my net!

And this problem wasnt there a few days ago.

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so adjust the slider that was added for precisely this reason?


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