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My First DayZ life

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Well i was in the city doing what i need to do then a zombie started chasing me so i killed it and the 12 that came after it. But then i ran out of ammo and 10 started chase so i am like oh fuck so i ran around the island and this is about half the horde that was chasing me. I think i had about a third of the zombies on the server chasing me this is only part of the horde.

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my first dayZ life, I ran up to a player and tried to look friendly, because thats why I wanted to play dayZ in the first place. Co-operation. As soon as he noticed me, he unloaded a clip in my direction and started reloading, I was bleeding but only hit by maybe 2 bullets. I then put 4 or 5 bullets into his head and looted his newbie backpack.

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I like to get them chasing me, I feel like some sort of necromantic pied piper without the flute...

I did the same thing the other day as I sometimes enjoy running along the coast being chased by a horde and freaking out new players. I had one guy literally stop in the middle of the road quarter mile away and just stare at me. When I got close he said in his American voice over the mic very calmly "Fuck that buddy, you're on your own" at which point I saluted him and got mauled.

I've never had a game/mod that has made me laugh, cry and shit myself all at the same time...

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1st time being chased by 10+ zombies, out ran them somehow...

2nd time being chased by 10+ zombies, found out about the docks

3rd time being chased by 10+ zombies, got d/c so i lucked out i guess :/

4th time being chased by 10+ zombies, saw an AFK guy and ran past him so they ate him and not me ROFL (but got killed by another player that had 2 of my zombies attack him... instant karma)

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