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The Mysterious Stranger

Looking for a bandit clan of non cheaters

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Im looking for a bandit clan who wont alt f4 at the sight of danger or use hacks/ server hopping to win the day.

Why? Because im not a cheater thats why.

All the bandit clans ive tried to join so far alt f4 if someone even fires near them in a firefight, or they 'try' and kill me as soon as we meet. So my gear will be left at my camp until I get more trusted within the group (ill take some lower end weapons with me like a kobra or m16, im leaving my good gear somewhere safe so bear in mind killing me will get you nothing and I wont even care as I can just restock on a friend's server in minutes)

All my kills are legitimate and im proud of the murders ive got without cheating.

If there are any bandit clans out there recruiting i want to tag along, Im tired of going solo and want to get out there and overwhelm so poor bastards with numbers so they wont know what hit them.

I have teamspeak and a mike

No skype or steam

Im away the weekend until monday so ill come back then and check out any offers then

My skills are mainly close range combat with automatic weapons and im a very good grenade thrower :) Though I can snipe pretty well too most of the time, im not here to kill zeds, just players.

Im from the UK so europe players preferred due to ping

Edited by The Mysterious Stranger

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Whats impossible? Finding a clan of bandits that dont use cheats?

Ive seen plenty out in the field that dont alt f4 or server hop, im a hardcore player and im not gonna cheat to to make myself look 'badass'

Ill do it with clean kills

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I don't have much of anything now that I had a camp I was banditting (happened to be the admins camp) serverwide kill me, but I'm a damn good shot with a DMR, rangetable right next to me and a rangeestimating with the mil-dots formula right in front of me. You give me a rifle with a scope, and I will wreck shit. I was in a goody-little-two-shoes group and got tired of it, I want to kill. If you want, HMU.

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hey! If your looking for someone to team up with or a group of guys find me on skype deathcode12 or on steam 12thunit

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That is impossible!

lol Trollin.

We don't alt-F4, and we don't use hacked weapons even if found on our prey. Too bad you're in the UK, we are east coast US players mostly.

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And you are the reason, why I get frustrated. I atleast hope that you say that you aren't frendly if you meet somebody. But if you say you are frendly and then kill them, Fuck you.

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