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Banned on US 2372

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So I just got banned from the server US 2372 for supposedly hacking. Reality of it is they banned me because I killed two of their clan members. So I would like to have said ban removed and/or have the server blacklisted.

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What proof would you like? The fact they were too butt hurt because a person in their own clan killed them then they ban me because of it. I will grab a screenshot when I log back into the server to show the ban.

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BSBan.pngSorry about the on-screen keyboard showing, I'm playing on a MacBook and no Print Screen. Any ways, if I was allegedly hacking, where's the proof?

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Why don't you explain to these people what you really did. And how your previous account was globally banned for hacking. And how you wanted us to whitelist your account. Then you go about killing clan members, And lying to all of us when all of us were being completely nice to you. But of course you'll go about denying it like the coward you are.

Just sad i stuck up for you because i thought you weren't a complete ass. Boy was i wrong. And you can't deny that.

Complete liar.

Wonder what else you lied about.

Only response you're getting from any of us.

Edited by MisfitOEF

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So where is the proof that I was hacking/cheating? Yeah, didn't think so. Quit being butt hurt, move the camp, and unban me. Simple.

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Well, before this progresses any further, let me point out a few things. First off: I'm the one who banned you. I'm using the term "you" loosely. I'm going to be as polite & respectful as I can, granted you've just betrayed us and blatantly lied about it.

A bit of backstory:

I begin to hear reports of Ackdamos, one of the 4oS squad members, being a bit dodgy. These reports were brought to my attention by other members of the squad. Apparently (key word), Ackdamos shot and killed one squad member, "Ace", and then claimed he didn't. My first suspicion started there.

Next day on teamspeak, I hear that he's been globally banned from Dayz for hacking on his CO key. This aroused some questions. He asked if he could be whitelisted on his banned account so he could spawn an ammo crate for us. We told him the server owner would decide on that, who said no. At this point, we're suspecting that he still has access to some sort of exploiting hacks, and is fully ready to use them.

Now tonight, in regards to this appeal:

You shot and killed two members of the clan.

When questioned, you were very resistant, denying that you did anything.

I checked your IP against the IP of the player that killed us, and got a match.

You then admitted to killing us, because you were "bored", and left the teamspeak server, after stating, "Whatever, I'm done with this shit."

Now we're in high alert. We know you're the type of guy to continue messing with us, whether it be giving our camp information out, or just coming after us yourself. We begin to move the camp, keeping an eye on the player list.

Now: we see a player named "xmradio" connect. All 5 people in teamspeak, excluding myself, shout to ban you. According to them, you were seen in one of Treesquid's videos. Apparently, "xmradio" took part in hacking, as shown in that video, and I agreed to ban you, for "Suspicion of hacking".

So, in short:

You were not banned for betraying your clan. You were banned for hacking. We were not even aware that xmradio & Ackdamos were the same people. Now we know for a fact that you have hacked in the past, and will do so again if you deem it necessary. I would prefer to not unban you. Good luck on your DayZ adventures.

Edited by Soccernewt

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Basically I was banned because you were butt hurt. Lets see some logs of me hacking? What's that, don't have any. Didn't think so. Enjoy being blacklisted :)

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As stated by the server hosting guidelines:

11. As a server admin you must not:

You are not permitted to ban players for killing yourself or clan members.

You are not permitted to shutdown your server when your killed.

You are not permitted to shutdown your server when you lose a vehicle.

You are not permitted to kick or ban for smacktalk.

You are not permitted to ban for suspected cheats or exploits of a non-server-disruptive nature, including but not limited to ghosting, unverified cheating, duping and similar, UNLESS you have solid evidence, IE logs.

So where are the logs?

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Okay now I can say my two cents.

In teamspeak I asked ackdamos if he hacked a hacked account, he said yes he did and I said okay I'm going to overlook that he said I can get some ammo creates on the server but he needed a white list file. He gave me a link which I disregarded because i didn't want hacked things on my server for obvious reasons. That's when he said his hacked account was banned and he brought a new arma for $40 i said well ill see ( I was always going to say no because of a hacked ammo create.) So my proof of you hacking is admitting to me in ts that you had a hacked account that was banned on battle eye and the only way to get into my server is to get the whitelist file.

I don't care that you betrayed us that is you as a person it doesn't reflect on yourself as much and it doesn't show other users or anyone for that matter to trust you in this game.

As for zippy, and those rules you posted ackdamos, Zippy has had about 3 servers black listed now, when he dies he kicks and shuts down the server when his tents are getting raided he kicks everyone and shuts down the server.

So that's two rules he broke so far in every server he has had. So far I've banned 3 players 2 for hacking (including ackdamos) and 1 was banned for 10 minutes for combat logging, (caught red handed)

I have died. I have lost my vehicles my tents have been raided, I have not shut down the server when clan members were killed, and no one has been banned or kicked unfairly. I have not broken any of the rules you stated above as when I created the server I read them and made sure that I follow them correctly.

As far as I'm concerned admitting to someone that they have a hack and script and a banned cd key is enough proof for me to ban them from my server.

I tried to help you when you were getting accused of your stupidity on your own server when they blew up your chopper and you raged and shut the server down and you nearly got it blacklisted but I see now that was a mistake. I personally don't want servers being blacklisted as it kills the dayz community. I just ask admins to be mature and don't be so dumb and lose your server from raging like a 6 year old and having to much power.

Zippy I wont explain the reason why we all left you on here because I can assure you that no one will join BLOODLINE again and your current members will most likely leave. You will not be banned from 2372 although if I find you hacking or scripting yes you will be banned.

I did not tell the people from BL to leave you, I gave them an ultimatum a choice, they were not forced they chose.

If you want to talk to me on teamspeak I'm on when I can get on most of the day so pop in and ill explain why.

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I doubt it will be black listed due to he has an account that has already be banned bye battle eye global bans, and what's the bet he wont try again on another account.

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