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Flamming Soviet

Keep Getting Kicked

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It s probably 100th time you ve seen this but its actually different. I had this problem since thursday. I got the game last week still havent been able to play. All week ive had problems but I fixed them all reading the forums until I reached this problem. I ve updated Battleye, the beta patch installed reinstalled. I use DayZ commander. But everytime I connect to a server I get kicked between [Waiting For Character to Create] and [setup complete, please wait]. I can-t find any other solution on forums so can you please help me?

EDIT Hey guys I think I got the problem fixed I finally got into a server played like five minutes (it was kinda slow but thats a problem with my computer) so maybe this could help you guys out

Running on DayZ Commander I re installed everything via versions then manually updated battleye. I went to settings and checked [Close DayZ Commander (after joining server)] and ran it. the first time i didnt get in. but i tried with a server that had almost gotten in before fixing the problem and I got in. Im not quite sure either it was luck, the server, or a good day for my internet but you should try it. Its not that much of a solution but in conclusion you have to make sure everything is up-to-date and keep seaching for a server. You ll get there. It might take a while for it to load on the first try but after that it goes smoothly. I hope this helps because im not entirely sure what I did.

Edited by Flamming Soviet

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Is the error that you get kicked for Battleye not responding?

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no it isnt, i have the same problem and the admin knows me well, he doesnt know why im always kicked.

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I have the same problem, it only started happening since last night, I tried reinstalling battle eye to see it would fix anything but to no avail I am still getting kicked. If anyone could come up with a solution I would be very grateful.

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I also have no problem with battleye or admins. The client initializes fine and works correctly. I can even join servers that dont use battleye so idk whats wrong. had the game for 2 months now and didnt get to play once

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yes i agree, i dont know the admins though but its all the servers at the exact same time. and my maximun ping is 80

Edited by Flamming Soviet

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I keep getting kicked for the battle eye thing. But it says battle eye failed to update. Im on my normal server ive been playing on forever now. I was gone from the game for a week. what am i missing now. I did have to re-install a earlier beta to play that server is that the problem. As in the server isn't updated enough and could be the reason its completely empty of other people. Any help would be great. thanks

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i've had this problem as of today

says "battle eye script restriction #40" every time..... not sure what i'm doin wrong :(

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