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Survivor Colony!

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And if you have no teamspeak or something like this and depend on the direct chat, it is much more difficult to go there.

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I really like the "colony" idea just thought id put that out there. Also commend your guys reslove to keep it up and running after all these "mishaps" posted on the forums. Keep it up

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Mhm... approaching the colony is truly a bit difficult now I think about it.

Walking those open roads leaves you quite exposed to bandit snipers and walking all that distance takes a lot of time and zombies sometimes agro on you.

Depending on how good you are on man-power, perhaps you could establish a couple "checkpoints" were people approaching the colony can meet with colony security for a body check and get escorted back? I strongly suggest the tin-can test to avoid satchel-charge video makers...

Our procedures are going to stay how they are. You walk up the road.

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Can't connect to the server for about 2 hours now, it even don't shows up in SixLauncher at the moment.

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Server isn't showing to me either.

I tried Day Z Commander, SixLauncher and the in-game launcher. Nothing works.

I see the server in Day Z commander but it has 10000 ping and it sometimes shows as the server where the colony was before it got moved.

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I think server is just down right now and the site is a bit buggy =[... sad I really wanted to see if anyone had some FAL ammo...

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I also think server's down... I wish it would come back on, I don't have much time to play...

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Will it be coming up again? I hope so I would really like to know what they have in stock, I don't need much but what I do need I cannot be bothered to search for anymore.

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Check the website to find the updates of our server.

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uh...I was just kicked from the colony server for asking why you were restarting it. You then followed with insulting remarks such as female lady parts. Did you get angry when i asked you to calm down or something Hunter? I'd like to play on the server, but if asking a question gets me kicked then how could i personally ever survive in your "colony of safety" if some admins are such hotheads?

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uh...I was just kicked from the colony server for asking why you were restarting it. You then followed with insulting remarks such as female lady parts. Did you get angry when i asked you to calm down or something Hunter? I'd like to play on the server, but if asking a question gets me kicked then how could i personally ever survive in your "colony of safety" if some admins are such hotheads?

No surprise to me.

Edited by Dutch Miller

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