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Survivor Colony!

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Think I may come pay you guys a visit today.. Soo tired of being sniped/shot in the back of the head/murdered by bandits!

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Just got back from there. Met "Welch". Lead me to his friend, who I wanted to help, and then he shot me! I decided to shoot back with mt Mk48 Mod 0. I'm sorry if it was an accident, but I couldn't be too sure. Now I'm at a little over 4000 blood. And if it truly was an accident, I really am sincerely sorry! Maybe a Ghillie Suit or my Mk48 will make up for this?

P.S. Welch, you should get that cough looked at!

Edited by SpiritOf2077

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Just got back from there. Met "Welch". Lead me to his friend, who I wanted to help, and then he shot me! I decided to shoot back with mt Mk48 Mod 0. I'm sorry if it was an accident, but I couldn't be too sure. Now I'm at a little over 4000 blood. And if it truly was an accident, I really am sincerely sorry! Maybe a Ghillie Suit or my Mk48 will make up for this?

P.S. Welch, you should get that cough looked at!

Who shot at you? O.o

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Who shot at you? O.o

Didn't see his name. Could have been an accident or an ambush. When I got there, Welch was the only one there & there were bodies everywhere. After giving him a transfusion, he led me up a hill where I was then shot at by his friend. I'm sorry if it was an accident though, the dead player bodies made me a bit nervous. One of them was a Hero skin with starting gear(dead body).

Edited by SpiritOf2077

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Who shot at you? O.o

I was with Garrett today, he got mobbed by an enormous amount of zombie (I have no idea why there were so many, it was at the base), and I asked around for a Blood Pack in the channels, but nobody could provide. I started to set off for a hospital, tractors exploded, met Spiritof2077 near the Colony base, he saved my life, gave me a transfusion.

I then led him to Garrett, who was in a nearby field, and was firing towards zombies chasing us. It started to lag a lot, my legs broke and I died randomly, and Garrett raged at me in TS for some reason, I guess he died too.

It was wacky.

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P.S. Welch, you should get that cough looked at!

Oh I did, the doctor perscribed dying, so that's what I ended up doing...

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I was only on briefly earlier today and had to run out for some things. I'm not sure who it was I think it was Garret cause only him and one other person was on besides me i think, rode by me on a bicycle north of elektro. I was fresh and thought I was done for sure, but without saying a thing he just hopped of his bicycle, left it for me, and went on his merry way. Unfortunately i died shortly after doing something stupid but defenetely seems to be some nice people on this server. If you read this the bicycle should be where you left it if no one took it hehe.

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I found a tractor, rolled up to the colony base like a boss, parked it.

It was later shot in the engine by Garrett, and it burst into flames, consuming some zombies. Lol.

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Who would I speak to in TS not sure where to go once I am in TS.

Come into the "Colony" channels when your near/inside the colony.

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I tried to join and I was shot.


I had an as50 w/ thermal, m9sd, solider clothes, gps, map, etc.

Took me a week to get everything. To be shot by a group that says they're friendly.

Two possibilities.

1. There were bandits camping the hills nearby as usual, and they shot you.

2. You didn't follow the rules in the OP and were subsequently shot.

I have visited this camp repeatedly and never been shot, so it was more than likely one of these two things. Go into teamspeak on the server and tell them where you were shot, they may be able to help you retrieve your gear.

P.S. I really don't feel bad that you lost a hacked weapon.

Edited by Angel_

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I found it. I don't even know the first thing about hacking

I'm certainly not accusing you of hacking. I'm saying, the weapon you are/were carrying is not supposed to be in the game in the first place, and I have zero sympathy if it is taken from you. Still sucks that you got shot, but that's a risk taken by joining these colonies.

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I got shot yesterday too south of berezino by bandit trying to work my way to the colony. He acted friendly at first so I thought it was a member of the colony out gathering stuff. Taught me a lesson hehe. I was in TS but wasn't sure if I was supposed to wait till I got close to the colony on the road to switch to the other channels. Is it okay to enter the approaching channels in ts even if I am far away trying to work my way there?

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Two possibilities.

1. There were bandits camping the hills nearby as usual, and they shot you.

2. You didn't follow the rules in the OP and were subsequently shot.

I have visited this camp repeatedly and never been shot, so it was more than likely one of these two things. Go into teamspeak on the server and tell them where you were shot, they may be able to help you retrieve your gear.

P.S. I really don't feel bad that you lost a hacked weapon.

2* hacked weapons. He had the G36C SD aswell. Suspicious.

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man u guys are legit i hear gun fire so i lay in the bushes in my hero skin ie i dont really kill ppl then proceed to get shot in the face with something lol

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man u guys are legit i hear gun fire so i lay in the bushes in my hero skin ie i dont really kill ppl then proceed to get shot in the face with something lol

Didn't know hiding in bushes near the colony was procedure. That's how you get assumed hostile.

Dunno what actually happened, haven't logged in yet today.

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