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Admin Hacker Countermeasures

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There are tons of hackers ripping up my server. The problem is that without information on who could be hacking I can't ban anyone. We get a hacker coming in almost every 4 hours and they kill everyone and then leave. I hate having to allow these hackers to ruin the fun of everyone involved because they want to be little trolls. So here is my idea.

Enable a function that will show the kill log. Who died and by who/what. This would be best in the Rcon but in game would be ok too. It would allow admins to find out the hacker's identity and ban them. I know all I need is a name and I can clean up my server of all the hacker trash. I want only legitimate players in my server and hackers ruin all our fun. It is like I have two hands tied behind my back trying to keep things clean.

I know there are some of you who will point out that this will enable admin abuse but really, if this hacker problem is going to be solved then we admins are going to have to be trusted a little more. I follow the rules and I even keep my clan in line. It seems like the second the server gets over 20 players the hackers swoop in and drive everyone away. I would really like a little more ammunition to keep my server hacker free.

If there is a way to do what I described already then by god I would like to know about it. I want to keep my server clean of hackers and the teleporting, invisible, vehicle spawning bastards are giving my server a bad reputation. Please let me strike back at them.


Server Admin


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