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Fellow bandits or recruiting clan?

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Looking for mature players to form a squad with or a clan to join either or, getting tired of looting nwaf then heading back south on a long walk to pvp. I could never trust someone i met in DayZ so this is the only way I see any good groups or teamwork being formed. Tired of walking everywhere, I check vehicle spawns everytime I play....never anything everytime i fucking check. Only been picked up once then lost connection hahah, so if your group or clan has vehicles im defiantly down to join up.

Im 21 years old, live in phoenix, AZ so id be looking for a US group. Im a mean shot with a sniper rifle, also really good with a assault rifle and ruthless as fuck when it comes to killing people. I fucking trust no one I meet and id hope posting in the bandit section will help me team up with like minded survivors.

Just reply here or shoot me a pm, I can download teamspeak if necessary as well just havnt needed to playing solo.

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The enforcers; Enough said, we host a major group, Bandits and survivors. Large communiy, and mostly always you would be able to find a travel group within, I'l link you too both our private forums and our forum post:

Dayz forum post: http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/79812-the-enforcers-a-group-dedicated-to-finding-you-a-team/

Our own forum: http://dayzenforcers.createaforum.com/index.php

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Militarized DayZ Community

We are a DayZ-Based social gaming community that is constantly expanding & recruiting.

We recruit both new players and experienced alike, as everyone is welcome and none is excluded nor left behind.

We have order, designated players and proffesionalism, all to a fun & memorable experience

We also have our own Killing Floor, DayZ, CS:GO & TS3 server.

We are the real deal!


Join us today!

Edited by Legendary Fox

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Don't trust FatBongTokes420! My group and I decided to give him a chance just last night and we picked him up in our helo. We flew around several places and he seemed kool at first. Then we went to a high value loot area and landed to get some gear. As soon as I hopped out of the pilot seat, he jumped on the throttle and tried to steal our chopper. Too bad he didn't know how to fly, he ended up crashing as soon as he took off! LOL (well after I put half a clip of M249 into him).

FatBongTokes420 is nothing but a capricious n00b who will cause problems in your group. We gave him a chance and he stabbed us in the back (or at least he tried to, lol...)

Edited by anzu
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