Wachtsseu 0 Posted August 25, 2012 Hi everyone,Heard about this great mod months ago, finally got the money in order for ARMAII + Arrowhead to give it a shot.First thing I noticed was at the gender screen the writing went into the selection boxes so I couldn't even read the bottom half of the message. I hit escape key to see if I could find it on the web since it looked pretty important but then it loaded the game and it chose male for me. Not a big deal I suppose- but since I didn't technically choose would there be a way to re-do that?I spawned, well, I don't quite know where. On the beach! A hill was in front of me, and to my right looked like some buildings a very long distance away and to my left a lighthouse.First- to the lighthouse. On the way I inspected my gear, pretty basic stuff.I also noticed a yellow broken chain icon- what is that please?Nothing of interest around the lighthouse- to the town!When I got close I had my first glimpse of zombies- yikes! I hunkered down and walked around but couldn't get too close since they were packed so dense. At one point I heard moaning and one started crawling towards me! Heh, it was cute- in a horrifying way- I ran!I explored the countryside but nothing but more towns full of zombies. I just don't get it, I can't hurt them. What can I do without a weapon, and where should the best place to look be?Any advice or tips would be great, I signed off to explore the forums and wiki for tips.Also, how to speak type in chat to all?Thanks all.Wacht. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TouRzx 3 Posted August 25, 2012 best place to find weapons, if u dont want to travel far, elektro and chernoand most of the servers have chat disabled Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dappadan95 332 Posted August 25, 2012 You need to look for big barns, in my opinion they are the best place to get a weopon when you have just spawned in with a new character. But go prone and take your time when entering or you will have a problem if there is no gun! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kawllie 18 Posted August 25, 2012 Hi everyone,Heard about this great mod months ago, finally got the money in order for ARMAII + Arrowhead to give it a shot.First thing I noticed was at the gender screen the writing went into the selection boxes so I couldn't even read the bottom half of the message. I hit escape key to see if I could find it on the web since it looked pretty important but then it loaded the game and it chose male for me. Not a big deal I suppose- but since I didn't technically choose would there be a way to re-do that?I spawned, well, I don't quite know where. On the beach! A hill was in front of me, and to my right looked like some buildings a very long distance away and to my left a lighthouse.First- to the lighthouse. On the way I inspected my gear, pretty basic stuff.I also noticed a yellow broken chain icon- what is that please?Nothing of interest around the lighthouse- to the town!When I got close I had my first glimpse of zombies- yikes! I hunkered down and walked around but couldn't get too close since they were packed so dense. At one point I heard moaning and one started crawling towards me! Heh, it was cute- in a horrifying way- I ran!I explored the countryside but nothing but more towns full of zombies. I just don't get it, I can't hurt them. What can I do without a weapon, and where should the best place to look be?Any advice or tips would be great, I signed off to explore the forums and wiki for tips.Also, how to speak type in chat to all?Thanks all.Wacht.You chose gender EVERYTIME you die, so don't worry about that.The best and most fun way to get good at DayZ is to not look at the forums for tips. Get your own skillset.Got two tips though:1. Crawl, zombies only see you if they pretty much trip over you.2. Find a axe, press enter to pick it up, then go to your inventory and press "remove from toolbelt". This will make the axe your main weapon.Unlimited ammo, silent, and bandits/survivors won't always shoot you on sight. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Wachtsseu 0 Posted August 26, 2012 Thanks for the help!I logged back in and continued to explore the town. A zombie spotted me somehow and chased me out, I passed a player running towards me and the zombie attacked him, the player killed the zombie and we just stared at each other. The guy said over his mic, "Hi." I said hi back, I explained how I was new and had nothing on me (just in case he was thinking of killing me). He asked if I had a bandage, I did! He was bleeding bad, I didn't know how to apply it to him, or drop it on the ground. He was dying fast, I kept scrolling, clicking, everything, I told him to calmly tell me what to do to help him, he panicked and ran into the village to find some asking me to help. Having really nothing else to do and no experience to fall back on, I joined. We quickly had followers. I lost track of him, he got away. I wasn't so lucky.First death. So: How the hell do you bandage someone?Second life: On an island, I swam to shore to a village and quickly found some empty cans, a chem light, bullets and some soda. I walked around the train tracks trying to get in every house but all the doors were locked.Then something strange happened: zombies kept flashing in and out as if the computer wasn't sure to spawn or render them? Do they just spawn randomly in front of you? It was creepy, I slithered away on the floor but they spotted me anyway. Two chased me for literally half a kilometer, they just wouldn't stop chasing me, what were they guards in Oblivion?!I tried to stop and crouch down to hide but they always found me. I just logged out in disgust.This game doesn't seem that fun. The controls are awkward and extremely not user friendly, no easily accessable weapons (even a bat or a piece of wood, anything!) just constant slowly crouching around then fleeing for the hills to no end.I guess I'm just not getting this. :/ Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ThuggleS 45 Posted August 26, 2012 Use this map: http://dayzdb.com/mapWhen you first spawn it tells you where you are. The second line is the city/town name. Look it up on the map and figure out where you are.First thing you should do is go to the closest medium-value industrial building or medium-value barn/farm building (yellow or green dot on map). You will almost always find an axe in these places, and zombies WALK SLOWLY inside buildings, making it pretty easy to deal with them. You can wield the axe and 1-hit zombies with it, but their attacks are glitchy and you will get hit occasionally doing this.Next, find a medium-value residential building (blue dot on the map). You want to acquire foot/drink whenever possible as well as any tools you find like a map, hunting knife, compass, watch, etc. Also, the matchbox is very helpful.Eventually you will want to take a trip to a hospital to get some of the more advanced medical items.When you get hit and start bleeding try running to the closest warehouse/factory/barn (any big building). Run in, run to the back, and apply your bandage.The best way to replenish lost blood is hunting. Each cooked meat gives +800 blood. You will need a hunting knife, axe and matchbook to make it easy. Run through the forest/fields, find an animal, kill it with axe or gun, gut it with knife, chop down tree in forest for wood, use matchbox to make "fireplace", then light fire, cook meat, eat meat.If you find a hospital you need to throw a can/bottle at the glass to break into it.But really the best thing is to just look up youtube videos and/or wiki pages if you are confused on something. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 80 Posted August 26, 2012 Play around with the ARMA CO game as well, they have a basic training to cover most things, you will need to rebind some keys.Healing another player typically involves being close and having them in front of you. You should get an option on you mouse wheel menu to apply a bandage for example.To drop an item, open inventory, either select the item in the left menu and hit the arrow on the left to drop it, or select it in your inventory and do the same. You can also use drop command on bottom right if the item is selected.The game has its bugs and a learning curve, just take your time with it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
CNasty 19 Posted August 26, 2012 The learning curve is very steep. I played a fair share of ArmA before this mod came out, and it still took me a bit to get used to it. Don't worry, it may be steep, but it's short, and before you know it you will be running back to claim the m16, ak, and full kit that just got raped from your still warm corpse by some random bandit with an AS50 just for the lulz... But it's still an awesome experience. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Survivor Tyler 77 Posted August 26, 2012 Use this map: http://dayzdb.com/mapWhen you first spawn it tells you where you are. The second line is the city/town name. Look it up on the map and figure out where you are.First thing you should do is go to the closest medium-value industrial building or medium-value barn/farm building (yellow or green dot on map). You will almost always find an axe in these places, and zombies WALK SLOWLY inside buildings, making it pretty easy to deal with them. You can wield the axe and 1-hit zombies with it, but their attacks are glitchy and you will get hit occasionally doing this.Next, find a medium-value residential building (blue dot on the map). You want to acquire foot/drink whenever possible as well as any tools you find like a map, hunting knife, compass, watch, etc. Also, the matchbox is very helpful.Eventually you will want to take a trip to a hospital to get some of the more advanced medical items.When you get hit and start bleeding try running to the closest warehouse/factory/barn (any big building). Run in, run to the back, and apply your bandage.The best way to replenish lost blood is hunting. Each cooked meat gives +800 blood. You will need a hunting knife, axe and matchbook to make it easy. Run through the forest/fields, find an animal, kill it with axe or gun, gut it with knife, chop down tree in forest for wood, use matchbox to make "fireplace", then light fire, cook meat, eat meat.If you find a hospital you need to throw a can/bottle at the glass to break into it.But really the best thing is to just look up youtube videos and/or wiki pages if you are confused on something.Only useful information here. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
discombobulated 27 Posted August 26, 2012 To bandage someone you need to stand next to them and use your scroll wheel, and an option should come up, so click on it. Try to not pay too much attention to Zeds at first, since the new patch they don't seem to run faster than you any more. This makes it easier to escape from them by losing your line of sight, then crouching and moving away from your last known position. (Even if they've lost sight they will keep going towards the last place they saw you). Buildings with 2 ways in and out are your best bet to start off with, as not finding any weapon can be troubling if you can only escape the way zombies are. One more good tip is to try and fire as little as possible in the big cities. You will alert other people to your presence, and that could be a bad thing if they're a bandit. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites