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FR35 - cheaters - UKHC

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It just amazes me how people can take it upon themselves to run a server without understanding the basic rules. Why take on the responsibility if you are not aware or the set of rules you have to follow?

It just amazes me how many idiots there are like you that think it is perfectly fine to cheat at a video game.

Move on to a different server if you want to cheat, this admin has clearly said you are not welcome there.

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It just amazes me how many idiots there are like you that think it is perfectly fine to cheat at a video game.

Move on to a different server if you want to cheat, this admin has clearly said you are not welcome there.

It amazes me how many people don't actually read through a topic before giving a null and void opinion regardless of facts stated. The UKHC guys were NOT cheating, they didn't spawn in ANY hacked weapons, yes some bagpacks were duped after changing from civilian to camo clothes, unfortunately this bug occurs a lot but why let a coyote backpack go to waste when it can be extremely useful, I must dupe at least 4-5 backpacks a day when I'm changing between ghillie, camo and civilian clothes, if one of my teammates needs a backpack I'm not going to tell them not to take it, it's not like they were duping AS50's or FALS, it's only a bagpack. Also, again I can guarantee that every single player has used a hacked weapon at one point simply because the rife hacking in this game leads to an extremely high number of illegitimate weapons going around. People forget that it's not only AS50TWS's that are hacked in, even guns like M14's and M4 SD they are running around with could just as easily have been hacked in. To summarise, the only person this admin has shown to be a cheat is one person called Sk1p, no-one from the UKHC camp done anything that breaks the rules of the game, big deal they found an ammo crate and stocked up because no doubt in the next 8 hours they were all wiped out by some fag hacker killing the server anyway which is the REAL problem with this game, not some fucking backpacks.

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Yann please refrain form posting until you have read at least some of the previous posts, otherwise you just look ignorant.

The whole point of this is that the UKHC guys didn't break any rules, its a very black and white issue.

If the rules are not to your liking, take it up with Rocket and the dev team. Arguing with other users is a waste of breath as we don't have the power to change them.

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Move along kids, find another server , go play somewhere else to "fight the hackers with their gear".

You really think that Rocket and the dev team approve the use of hacked weapon and duped backpacks? That they haven't anything more important to do than babysitting you and punishing the big nasty admins?

Grow up ffs.

Edited by Boitameuh
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Ok so you admit to actively seeking hacked weapons and admit to duping on purpose and as stated by others its "ALL OK cause we are tired of being killed by hackers" seriously dude! I fully support the admins right to remove assholes like you from his server. Did he take somethings a little to far like the mumble yeah I will give you that. So you didn't "hack" them yourself by using them "knowingly" I might point out you are no better than the hacker that spawned them. If you come to my server using them guess what Giggity Giggity Ban Bro! than you can come and bitch some more about admin abuse. The hackers and exploiting players like yourself are the reason why this community has turned to shit. The gloves are off and as admins we are not taking abusive players shit anymore you want to cheat go rent you own server and cheat away don't com on here and bitch an moan for a ban when you are knowingly cheating either directly or indirectly by abusing a hackers ill got goods. Whether you spawned it or not YOU ARE CHEATING! If you were some noob who didn't know any better I would have some sympathy but you don't see anyone from my crew running around with hacked shit and I bet we have been victim of hackers just as much as you but we don't stoop to the hackers level.

yes the bagpack was duped due too clothing changing, try it, and see how it works .... thats point one of your arguement solved...part 2 , actively seeking ammo crates, we werent seeking nothing as you can see with the crates in de57, yes we did get weapons from it , once ...how is that actively seeking? when we only found it once and fraps'd it ? .... part 2 of your " arguement " solved...now before you start bitching about admin, we did have our own server which we shut down due too hackers frequently fucking shit up ....now ... if you wanna break the admin rules then so be it, then that is classed as admin abuse, but finding a crate on a server and helping ourselves once , then if you call that seeking a crate , then your heads warped buddy ... typical american cant keep his fat trap shut :)

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Move along kids, find another server , go play somewhere else to "fight the hackers with their gear".

You really think that Rocket and the dev team approve the use of hacked weapon and duped backpacks? That they haven't anything more important to do than babysitting you and punishing the big nasty admins?

Grow up ffs.

once again fag , read the story , the bagpack was duped due too clothing change..... so its a bug in the game, not our fault ? is it? ..... we're not complaining about the ban off the server but in the way it was done, due too the admin breaking rules..... once again phagg , sit down and keep your trap shut

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1. if this topic is so 'below' you, then you need not waste your time posting right?

2. you are friends with the admin, so you motives are fairly clear here, nullifying your point.

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1. This is a public forum, anyone can give his opinion on a subject, so do I.

2. Being friend with the admin doesn't change anything or nullifies my POV. My only motive is to see people like you play on another server.

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Just one thing to say: until now , no admin has given an official answer about those ban for cheated weapons on this topic.

Silence mean agreement. If they really don’t agree with, then they just have to blacklist the server.

No blacklist, no official answer...so we are good to go.


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... typical american cant keep his fat trap shut :)

When it comes to cheaters who try to justify their cheating behind Rocket says its ok you bet your ass! Call it admin abuse all you want.... I call it assholes getting what they deserve they want to blacklist me for wanting to promote a fair and fun play environment for everyone on my server be my guest I'm getting sick of paying for people like you to have a place to play anyway :P

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Yann please refrain form posting until you have read at least some of the previous posts, otherwise you just look ignorant.

The whole point of this is that the UKHC guys didn't break any rules, its a very black and white issue.

If the rules are not to your liking, take it up with Rocket and the dev team. Arguing with other users is a waste of breath as we don't have the power to change them.

I can assure you young man that I have read this entire thread.

You are being pedantic about rules and trying to quote rocket without actually offering a quote. He said you will not get BattleEye banned for using hacked weapons. Please show me the quote where he says that Dayz is a game about running to a crate to equip and then duping the items in case you die. These are things that admins have to allow according to you.

What is the difference between the person that spawned the crate and the people that take the weapons, you have both used an exploit to gain an advantage. Are you asking the guy before you shoot him if he hacked his weapon or found it the hard way, if not then your argument about rules is invalid as you are playing a different game

If you want to run around chernarus with any weapon you can imagine, then why don't you play arma2, it's a pretty good game, instead of ruining a game that is not even out yet.

You are killing this game with your attempts to justify the exploitation of a open engine, and I am saddend that people like you will try to get a server black listed that has an active admin rather than try and create a server that is fun to play on. If you can't see that cheating is rife in this game and needs to be dealt with harshly, then it is you that is ignorant.

Edit: The scripter is in the logs and might get BE banned at some point, whereas you will never get banned, the only thing stopping you from doing it is you, not the rules.

Edited by Yann
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i know 2 ppl get permo baned for haveing a hacker they know spawn weapons in for them.. should count yourselfs lucky bitches

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Same problem happened to me, stuck in a FR129, banned because i have found a camp with more weapons and the holo sd... -_-

Is very necessary the Dayz Developer make more controll for this ADMIN.

Can you give your player name?

Yes I start to ban people who use illegal weapons. "Use" means that you kill several players with it in the same session.


I have searched and I did not banned you. One of your 2 GUID is on the bans list from the dayz community banlist, which is configured on my servers. Please fill a ticket at http://code.google.com/p/dayz-community-banlist/issues/list and ask some proof.

Edited by facoptere

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I'm still waiting for the UKHC video that had should blacklisted us.

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I can assure you young man that I have read this entire thread.

You are being pedantic about rules and trying to quote rocket without actually offering a quote. He said you will not get BattleEye banned for using hacked weapons. Please show me the quote where he says that Dayz is a game about running to a crate to equip and then duping the items in case you die. These are things that admins have to allow according to you.

What is the difference between the person that spawned the crate and the people that take the weapons, you have both used an exploit to gain an advantage. Are you asking the guy before you shoot him if he hacked his weapon or found it the hard way, if not then your argument about rules is invalid as you are playing a different game

If you want to run around chernarus with any weapon you can imagine, then why don't you play arma2, it's a pretty good game, instead of ruining a game that is not even out yet.

You are killing this game with your attempts to justify the exploitation of a open engine, and I am saddend that people like you will try to get a server black listed that has an active admin rather than try and create a server that is fun to play on. If you can't see that cheating is rife in this game and needs to be dealt with harshly, then it is you that is ignorant.

Edit: The scripter is in the logs and might get BE banned at some point, whereas you will never get banned, the only thing stopping you from doing it is you, not the rules.

Here you go if you want quotes: http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/79549-dev-or-rocket-can-you-confirm/

Now you little girl admins go back to your corner and hush,and pay for our servers.

Edited by Bushman

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Hold on, I have to ban people.

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Now you little girl admins go back to your corner and hush,and pay for our servers.

You're funny. I like you.

Oh, and btw:

In any case, though, simply posessing a hacked-in weapon is not sufficient, in my opinion, to ban someone. Kick, with a message, perhaps, but banning them for having it in their inventory: no, that's simply unfair to the many people who will simply pick one up, not knowing that it is illegal.

It's not Rocket, and it's only his opinion, not a general rule.

The only reason he don't want to ban is because most people are not aware that this weapon is illegal. We understand that and send a message to every owner of a hacked weapons. If we still ban someone who was not aware, we deban him if he drops the weapons. However, for people like you who are completely aware of using hacked weapons, we won't have mercy.

Edited by Tiri
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You didnt finish reading ,7 more posts down, Day Z staff,

Delta Smoke 01:

Posted 23 August 2012 - 09:48 AM

The official rules stand as this. You may not kick or ban a player for possessing a hacked in item. The same goes for duped items. Its understandable that people may be upset that this person may or may not be hacker, but unless you have the logs stating that they spawned it in, no one should be banned.

EDIT. If you should come across/kill a hacker or his corpse. here is what you should do. Take any legit items from his corpse as your reward. If he has hacked guns or soldier uniform and such, hide the body and rid the server of his presence.

And the whole factor that not everyone knows it all, is why its not a kickable/bannable offense to possess hacked or duped items.

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Hey, we dont care, report us :)

I almost forgot :


Edited by SqTH
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Delta Smoke 01:

If he has hacked guns or soldier uniform and such, hide the body and rid the server of his presence.

And do you, as a player, do that too ? I guess no, or they wouldn't be anymore AS50 TWS.

Edited by Tiri

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That is obviously telling you Top Flight Security guys how to do your part if you want to police something.And i do hide the bodies after i loot them.

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I really love how you two with AndreasB are trying to piss off every server owner who kick/ban players who have hacked weapons.

Why don't you do the same witch hunt with the hackers who spawn lots of crates and mass TP/ mass kill everyone on a server ? They are as bad as us since they don't follow the rules. But no, all of your posts are about whining because we won't let you exploit the game that easily, because you think you're protected by a rule which, as far as I know, as never been enforced with server owners who just do that.

This is as simple as that: we warn people having a hacked weapon to drop it, and if they don't agree, they get kicked/banned. And considering most of the players we've banned are server hoppers who stay no longer than 2 min on our servers, we don't have any regrets.

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