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FR35 - cheaters - UKHC

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Cheaters of the night, enjoy.

Step 1. spawn a crate:


Step 2. Take the weapons from it


Step 3. Get warned by the admins that those weapons taken from the crate are forbidden in DayZ.

Step 4. Tell the admin they took the weapons so the serv will get blacklisted:


I had enough evidence to ban the spawncrater player, and warned the players that having forbidden weapon is forbidden.

They maybe did spawned the crate to take them and get kicked on purpose. Who knows. They won't mind, cheated weapons are ok to them.

Anyway, more than ruining the game, it's obviously made to punish(?) a server by trying to blacklist it.

All our logs in attachment, as proof.

PS : got censored, but Retarded quoted me. All infos 2 posts down.


Edited by SqTH
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I almost forgot : The GIF !


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I don't see [uKHC]Bitch Plz having a cheated weapon, nor cheating one in, and you kicked him for backtalking to you... clearly another instance of admin abuse. Thanks for making that public.

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Cheaters of the night, enjoy.

Step 1. spawn a crate:

25.08.2012 17:49:07: [UKHC]Bitch Plz ( 72f9a67223fd0df8258e713a91be9789 - #0 "DZ_Backpack_EP1" 106:7 [0,0,0]
25.08.2012 17:49:10: Sk1p ( 32e9666034d95b68961c1052a33b3330 - #0 "USOrdnanceBox_EP1" 90:206 [13412,5140,6]
25.08.2012 17:49:14: Tzeapa ( 34bd7d9c57762eb43372cf1f36638480 - #0 "DZ_Backpack_EP1" 107:7 [0,0,0]
25.08.2012 17:49:21: Sk1p ( 32e9666034d95b68961c1052a33b3330 - #0 "DZ_Backpack_EP1" 90:247 [0,0,0]
25.08.2012 17:49:37: [UKHC]Gabriel ( 1bd81235164678ef991d051e85529e85 - #0 "DZ_Backpack_EP1" 108:6 [0,0,0]

Step 2. Take the weapons from it


Step 3. Get warned by the admins that those weapons taken from the crate are forbidden in DayZ.

Step 4. Tell the admin they took the weapons so the serv will get blacklisted:

I had enough evidence to ban the spawncrater player, and warned the players that having forbidden weapon is forbidden.

They maybe did spawned the crate to take them and get kicked on purpose. Who knows. They won't mind, cheated weapons are ok to them.

Anyway, more than ruining the game, it's obviously made to punish(?) a server by trying to blacklist it.

All our logs in attachment, as proof.

quote for proof

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Omagad he quoted me for proof I'm scared. Not.

For [uKHC]Bitch Plz :

22:49:06 "READ/WRITE: ['PASS',false,'29219047',[253,[11256,4287.25,0.00140381]],[["ItemFlashlight","ItemMap","ItemCompass","ItemGPS","NVGoggles","Binocular_Vector","ItemWatch","ItemKnife","ItemHatchet","ItemMatchbox","ItemToolbox","BAF_L85A2_UGL_Holo"],["30Rnd_556x45_Stanag","30Rnd_556x45_Stanag","FoodCanBakedBeans","FoodCanFrankBeans","ItemBloodbag","30Rnd_556x45_Stanag","30Rnd_556x45_Stanag","30Rnd_556x45_Stanag","30Rnd_556x45_Stanag","ItemBandage","ItemBandage","ItemBandage","ItemBandage","ItemBandage","ItemBandage","ItemBandage","ItemBandage"]],["DZ_Backpack_EP1",[["BAF_AS50_scoped"],[1]],[["5Rnd_127x99_as50","ItemWaterbottle"],[6,1]]],[57,67,67],Camo1_DZ,0.94]"
22:49:06 "LOGIN LOADED: B 1-1-A:12 ([UKHC]Bitch Plz) REMOTE Type: Survivor1_DZ"
22:49:08 "READ/WRITE: ['PASS',[false,false,false,false,false,false,false,12000,[],[0,0],0,[374.211,239.514]],[1,0,2,0],["BAF_L85A2_UGL_Holo","amovpknlmstpsraswrfldnon",42],[253,[11256,4287.25,0.00140381]],-140194]"
22:49:08 "LOGIN PUBLISHING: B 1-3-F:1 ([UKHC]Bitch Plz) REMOTE Type: Camo1_DZ"

It's all in the logs attached to the first post. BAF_L85A2_UGL_Holo ain't inside the game, and has never been.

You just like to look like a fool don't you ?

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Omagad he quoted me for proof I'm scared. Not.

For [uKHC]Bitch Plz :

22:49:06 "READ/WRITE: ['PASS',false,'29219047',[253,[11256,4287.25,0.00140381]],[["ItemFlashlight","ItemMap","ItemCompass","ItemGPS","NVGoggles","Binocular_Vector","ItemWatch","ItemKnife","ItemHatchet","ItemMatchbox","ItemToolbox","BAF_L85A2_UGL_Holo"],["30Rnd_556x45_Stanag","30Rnd_556x45_Stanag","FoodCanBakedBeans","FoodCanFrankBeans","ItemBloodbag","30Rnd_556x45_Stanag","30Rnd_556x45_Stanag","30Rnd_556x45_Stanag","30Rnd_556x45_Stanag","ItemBandage","ItemBandage","ItemBandage","ItemBandage","ItemBandage","ItemBandage","ItemBandage","ItemBandage"]],["DZ_Backpack_EP1",[["BAF_AS50_scoped"],[1]],[["5Rnd_127x99_as50","ItemWaterbottle"],[6,1]]],[57,67,67],Camo1_DZ,0.94]"
22:49:06 "LOGIN LOADED: B 1-1-A:12 ([UKHC]Bitch Plz) REMOTE Type: Survivor1_DZ"
22:49:08 "READ/WRITE: ['PASS',[false,false,false,false,false,false,false,12000,[],[0,0],0,[374.211,239.514]],[1,0,2,0],["BAF_L85A2_UGL_Holo","amovpknlmstpsraswrfldnon",42],[253,[11256,4287.25,0.00140381]],-140194]"
22:49:08 "LOGIN PUBLISHING: B 1-3-F:1 ([UKHC]Bitch Plz) REMOTE Type: Camo1_DZ"

It's all in the logs attached to the first post. BAF_L85A2_UGL_Holo ain't inside the game, and has never been.

You just like to look like a fool don't you ?

LOL look at your first post in this thread, last editet JUST BEFORE your LAST post which I quote here...

Yeah those logs didn't change their content just then, right? You're awesome, dude.

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LOL look at your first post in this thread, last editet JUST BEFORE your LAST post which I quote here...

Yeah those logs didn't change their content just then, right? You're awesome, dude.

Once again, you're wrong.

First post :

Posted Yesterday, 11:23 PM

Edited by SqTH, Today, 12:01 AM.

Post about the player Bitchplz :

Posted Today, 02:14 AM

You're so stupid and furious it's getting embarrassing.

Srsly dude, no offence, but you can't even read the time properly ?

Ow wait, now you're gonna tell me I changed the time on the forum's server.

Grow up, kid.

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Weird, I don't see ANY evidence of the UKHC members spawning crates in these logs at all. It also seems like you're a bit of a dick admin tbh. I have played with hacked in weapons many times after picking them up from dead bodies, I don't plan on changing that either. People come across hacked in weapons crates every day, you could pick a random server on this game and more than likely there will be a weapons crate somewhere in the server. As for the backpacks, you spawn a backpack every time you change your clothes, it's a bug of the game. I have a ghillie, civilian and a camo suit and every time I change between them it dupes my coyote.

Let's break it down.

Step One: Spawn a crate...well if you look at the logs you will see it was someone called Sk1p and not anyone with a UKC tag.

Step Two: Take the weapons from it. It isn't against any DayZ rules to use a hacked in weapon AS LONG as you didn't script it in. I REPEAT, USING HACKED IN WEAPONS IS NOT AGAINST DAYZ RULES, YOU CANNOT HACK THEM IN, BUT YOU CAN USE THEM IF YOU FIND THEM.

Step Three: Listen to some idiot admin who clearly doesn't have a clue what he's on about have a piss and moan and make an arse of himself.

Step Four: Inform the admin that he is clearly abusing his powers when he is because he is creating rules and attributing them to DayZ when Rocket and others have clearly stated otherwise.

Step Five: Post a video of the team finding a hacked in crate (not spawning it) as if it makes them look guilty when it really proves them innocent...

So to conclude, what you have proven is that some people were using guns that were hacked in a some point, not that they hacked them in, and in doing so you are attacking the reputation of a team and bad mouthing them with no evidence of it at all, only a video and some logs emphasising otherwise...and posting players GUIDS whilst doing so...

Only one person looks like a fool here, and unfortunately it's the admin.

Edited by WullyBee
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Firstly, know what you're talking about...yes we know the crate is on DE57 , yes we did take " illegitimate weapons" from that crate, but that does not in any circumstance make us a hacker, the backpack we duped ( me and gabriel ) .... now that is also not illegal , it is indeed frowned upon , but not illegal..... :) now , too the crate, at what point does it say , bitch plz has spawned in a crate , or any player for that matter.... ?....look closely ..it says SKIP not our name with the ordnance box also...once again you have been declared wrong, and admin abuse is once again rife here...you even took the time too come into the mumble server , joking and laughin because you knew we were in the right, pics coming soon of the ban and the reasons for ban guys.... TBC

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so just to make it clear, you and your buds were taking from the hacked crate, then not destroying it, and PLANNING to come back and take more hacked items for yourself. You should be banned.


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Where in your logs does it say any member of UKHC hacked in an ammo crate? Idiot.

You kicked my clan members for ''USING'' hacked weapons NOT spawning them in. Then you join their mumble being a dick and trying to show off.

Just another admin abusing their powers.

Unless you have noticed hacked in weapons are rife in this game, you find them on 1 in 10 bandits these days.

I'd like to see the proof of UKHC spawning ammo crates.... Idiot!

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so just to make it clear, you and your buds were taking from the hacked crate, then not destroying it, and PLANNING to come back and take more hacked items for yourself. You should be banned.


There were loads of hacked crates on that server, we went to the first one, filled our boots and were on our way. This game is about survival, if I see a shit load of weapons I'm going to take them because the number of times I have been teleported and killed by hackers and lost all my guns far outweighs the number of times I have found a hacked weapon. Clue up and be quiet.

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so just to make it clear, you and your buds were taking from the hacked crate, then not destroying it, and PLANNING to come back and take more hacked items for yourself. You should be banned.


Shut the fuck up.... When Rocket or shitty battleye decides to do something about the hackers then maybe we will stop using their hacked in weapons.

We are sick of loosing all our legitimate loot to hackers in one swipe... so yes we do go to a server we know ammo crates are on cos i for one am not spending 4 hours a day getting good loot for some dickhead hacker to just take it away by killing a whole server.

We are not spawning the crates, we are taking from them so sit down shut the fuck up and wind your neck in!

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Difference is we're not spawning the crates , we're taking from them , like any survivor would do .... so stfu , and sit down , girlpants, FR140 , admin abuse powers as usual, would love too drill yourself in the face with a hacksaw

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BTW to the original post... You wouldn't even of known about DE57 if we hadn't shown you.

I told you where we got the weapons and to go and check for yourself. All you have done here is proove that Sk1p (whoever he is) was banned at the same time you kicked us then try and attach Sk1p to UKHC.

Get a grip!

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so just to make it clear, you and your buds were taking from the hacked crate, then not destroying it, and PLANNING to come back and take more hacked items for yourself. You should be banned.


yeah we should be banned for giving ourselves a chance against hackers, good shout buddy ....

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Same problem happened to me, stuck in a FR129, banned because i have found a camp with more weapons and the holo sd... -_-

Is very necessary the Dayz Developer make more controll for this ADMIN.

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It is necessary that de Dayz developer wipe the whole database once for all .

No more as50TWS ingame

And you will not tell us anymore "the weapons is not cheated"

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Firstly, know what you're talking about...yes we know the crate is on DE57 , yes we did take " illegitimate weapons" from that crate, but that does not in any circumstance make us a hacker, the backpack we duped ( me and gabriel ) .... now that is also not illegal , it is indeed frowned upon , but not illegal..... :) now , too the crate, at what point does it say , bitch plz has spawned in a crate , or any player for that matter.... ?....look closely ..it says SKIP not our name with the ordnance box also...once again you have been declared wrong, and admin abuse is once again rife here...you even took the time too come into the mumble server , joking and laughin because you knew we were in the right, pics coming soon of the ban and the reasons for ban guys.... TBC

Ok so you admit to actively seeking hacked weapons and admit to duping on purpose and as stated by others its "ALL OK cause we are tired of being killed by hackers" seriously dude! I fully support the admins right to remove assholes like you from his server. Did he take somethings a little to far like the mumble yeah I will give you that. So you didn't "hack" them yourself by using them "knowingly" I might point out you are no better than the hacker that spawned them. If you come to my server using them guess what Giggity Giggity Ban Bro! than you can come and bitch some more about admin abuse. The hackers and exploiting players like yourself are the reason why this community has turned to shit. The gloves are off and as admins we are not taking abusive players shit anymore you want to cheat go rent you own server and cheat away don't com on here and bitch an moan for a ban when you are knowingly cheating either directly or indirectly by abusing a hackers ill got goods. Whether you spawned it or not YOU ARE CHEATING! If you were some noob who didn't know any better I would have some sympathy but you don't see anyone from my crew running around with hacked shit and I bet we have been victim of hackers just as much as you but we don't stoop to the hackers level.

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It is necessary that de Dayz developer wipe the whole database once for all .

No more as50TWS ingame

And you will not tell us anymore "the weapons is not cheated"

That will be happend if the standalone game will be release.

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Your words

We are sick of loosing all our legitimate loot to hackers in one swipe... so yes we do go to a server we know ammo crates are on cos i for one am not spending 4 hours a day getting good loot for some dickhead hacker to just take it away by killing a whole server.

We are not spawning the crates, we are taking from them so sit down shut the fuck up and wind your neck in!

Your signature:

(Owner) UK666, Team Heroes! ''Play fair or don't play at all''

Are you just stupid? Do you know what it means? Fucking schizophrenic.

Edited by noziv
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The issue here seems to be that people are taking it upon themselves to re-define the rules and act upon them. There is no question that what UKHC have done is completely allowed according to Rocket(the guy who created the game.....) i.e duping and picking up ammo crate weapons.

Sure you can argue that its not cool to do that(which is a separate discussion) but as admins you have no right to make up your own rules. its just that simple.

So as butthurt as you admins want to be about people having hacked in weapons, its the act of hacking and scripting that is not allowed, NOT owning the weapons.

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It just amazes me how people can take it upon themselves to run a server without understanding the basic rules. Why take on the responsibility if you are not aware or the set of rules you have to follow?

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