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Grown tired of the solo grind... looking for clan

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After a couple weeks in DayZ i have grown tired of the solo grind battling back and forth on the map. I would like to join an established clan/ group of survivors (slight bandit tendencies is fine, we're only human).

I am currently geared for combat medic and have been helping other survivors for a couple weeks. I am also an experienced DayZ scavenger and sniper (other games).

If any clans/groups are interested or want to know more info feel free to PM me

I also have Steam. Vent, and Teamspeak

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Your welcome to play with the community I play with, but were based in the UK, your ping maybe too much but your welcome to try :) Theres around 15 of us that play regularly, and we have our own 50 man server :)

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