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If planet side 2 can (apparently) handle 2000 players, can Bohima code that well

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Iv'e got me a nice tent by a lake, hunting suppiles, and wepons, i feel i've survived (at least how i play this game).

Down the line do you think Bohima could make the player limit much higher on sinle servers, i dont just want to surive, i want to survive with people, be a part of carving out our own little place on the map, and forma comunity ( i geuss clan).

For that to be workable we'd need much larger servers, and more devloped game mechanics (which hopefully will come).

Does anyone working on this mod, or is more faimilar with Arma 2 / Bohima and it's limitations think this could ever be a possiblity?

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Is that 2000 concurrently, or is that in each zone?

I think Chernarus and Limnos are far too small for that many players.

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it's 2000 in any single 'instance' so in theroy 2000 people could all meet at the same spot.

IT's insane, and will be hugley impressive if they can pull it off, and yes 2000 would be far to many for any Day Z map.

But if 2000 is a possiblity for some devs, would 200 be achivable in a single server do you think without it all going to hell.

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I thought there was talk of a gargantuan single server or something. It would be awesomely impressive to have one basic sver, may e a couple of instances or something, but I'd like some real persistence..I'd like to be able to start having real communities where rumours can spread and you can get to know the people who are around instead of them hopping around.

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completely different server structure it doesnt have much to do with the size of a server, but arma 2 can already handle 150 people easily, but with that much people on one map it wil be crowded and a allot more pvp then zombie survival.

arma 3 wil handle 300 people on a map with ease, but on the new map on there i still think it would be a bad idea to have more then 100 people on it

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I have heard (Ill peak around for the articles involving Rocket) that there was an idea to have a server set up similar to that of EVE's Tranquility. Players can go in between zones/maps freely, but I don't think there has been any indication that they are wanting a setup like Planetside's.

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Sure it is possible. What's hindering and capping player amounts in any game are 2 simple factors. First being the size of the play area, map, level, economy etc etc, the game is always built for a certain amount of users. The second is the optimization of the game code and the scalability of server infrastructure.

For instance, EVE-Online is an MMORPG, that advertises itself running a single, persistent world where 40,000 people can meet at a single location if desired, and the world has been been built to be a viable environment for that.

Sure you could have like 2000 people on one server, or rather a cluster-server, as long as the infrastructure has enough resources on both ends and viable connection speeds.

However why this isn't happening is because a map like chernarus isn't built for that many players, neither are any of the servesr currently running an instance of arma2 with or without DayZ.

Also, I know very little of the Arma2 engine and the code, but somehow I get the feeling ArmA isn't really optimized to support traffic of that kind, even if it could be ran with moderate comfort with ridiculous infrastructure.

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that's what i was wondering, i think the map can definetly surport 200+ players as far as gameplay goes. I just belive it needs more, and a more persistant world. Over a 1000 and yes that would start to get very silly.

A 'Tranquilty ' server sounds interesting, but i dont think i underatand what that will do.

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