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Detta Company is Recruiting!

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Hey, I'm 15 but mature. After about 2 weeks of lonewolfing, I realized that I really needed a group. I play relatively casual, but when the shit hits the fan, I'm ready to mop up. I have all of the requirements and can get on almost everyday. I'm hoping that through this group, I can develop more skill at the game and become a better member.

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Hey would like to start playing immediately (right now)

22 Canadian

playing for 6 months

great asset to team

Specialise in assault , sniping and scavenging.

Have ts3 and steam is RoachRegenesis

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22, USA

been playing DayZ for ~2months

used to playing in a squad, ran with a squad of 4 until a few weeks ago when they all quit playing

prefer sniping, spotter, pointman

fave wep: M24

steam name and ingame name are Raisinghell

have a working mic

Edited by raisinghell

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Age: 23

Location: Canada (eastern time)

Qualifications: Excellent team player in terms of watching ones back, communicating, and spotting. Have taken part in, and have been successful in many raids and sniping operations. always willing to take part in raids and operations as an effective squad member. Always willing to go out and scavenge for supplies with squad members.

Laid back individual, but serious when the situation calls for it. Very active (on almost every day), and very mature.

pm me here, or add me on skype (blaedthompson1) if you are interested in recruiting me.

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Age: 20

Location: US (Central Time)

Been playing DayZ for about a week now (Every day)

Prefer sniping (I have guille suit, AS50, L85 (Thermal Scope)

Drop me a pm

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PM'd. Get back to me i'd like to talk more about joining

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