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[Demand(Request)] of banns has cause of a stake has in the daytime.

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Here is I name Toxiki.

I play at present on DayZ...

He(It) one about days he(it) one had a stake it has in the daytime DayZ.

Says that this stake a day has I appeared have was banns directly...

It is for it me makes a demand(request) of banns

Because I have were banns for nothing.

PS: to sadden but I speak French.


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Here is I name Toxiki.

I play at present on DayZ...

He(It) one about days he(it) one had a stake it has in the daytime DayZ.

Says that this stake a day has I appeared have was banns directly...

It is for it me makes a demand(request) of banns

Because I have were banns for nothing.

PS: to sadden but I speak French.


Je ne sais pas comment tu a traduit ce texte du francais vers l'anglais, mais c'est completement imcomprehensible. Reecris ton texte en francais et je le traduirai pour toi.

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Voila je me nomme Toxiki.

Je joue actuellement sur ​​Dayz ...

Il a quelque jours il y a eu une mise a jour DayZ belges

Quand il a eu la mise a jour belges j'était sur le jeu et je me suis fait directement ban du jeu

Je n'est pas compris ce qui avait c'était le lendemain que j'ai vue un messages que quoi il avait des bans a causse de la mise a jour.

C'est pour cela je fait ma demande de de-ban.

Car je croie être ban pour rien.

PS: j'ai le jeu en CD

Au revoir.

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This makes absolutely no sense. The translation is broken.

Cela n'a absolument aucun sens. La traduction est cassé.


My response was late.

Edited by S_poon

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Here is I name Toxiki.

I play at present on?? Dayz...

He(It) has about days there was a stake has in the daytime Belgian DayZ

When he(it) had the stake has in the daytime Belgians I was on the game(set,play) and I was directly made banns of the game(set,play)

I is not understood(included) what had it was the next day when I saw one messages that what it had banns has limestone plateau of the stake has in the daytime.

It is for it me makes my demand(request) of banns.

Because I believe to be banns for nothing.

PS: I have the game(set,play) in CD

Vraiment désoler je parle français :(

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Here I am called Toxiki.

I currently Dayz on ...

He had a few days ago an update Belgian Dayz

When he got the update I was on the Belgian game and I got straight game ban

I do not understand what had was the next one I've seen posts that what he bans a plateau of the update.

That's why I made ​​my request to de-ban.

Because I believe to be banned for nothing.

PS: I have the game CD


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Here is I name Toxiki.

I play at present on DayZ...

He(It) one about days he(it) one had a stake it has in the daytime DayZ.

Says that this stake a day has I appeared have was banns directly...

It is for it me makes a demand(request) of banns

Because I have were banns for nothing.

PS: to sadden but I speak French.


vous interdit d'un serveur? Si oui, quel est le nom du serveur

Ou êtes-vous banni de tous les serveurs?

Si c'est le cas tous les serveurs (une interdiction mondiale) ne permettra

S'il s'agit d'un serveur, vous pouvez le signaler.

Edited by Trigonometry

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Je suis bannie global de tous les serveur.

Voila ce qui me dit quand je rejoint un serveur:


Un truc du genre :(

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Voila je me nomme Toxiki.

Je joue actuellement sur ​​Dayz ...

Il a quelque jours il y a eu une mise a jour DayZ belges

Quand il a eu la mise a jour belges j'était sur le jeu et je me suis fait directement ban du jeu

Je n'est pas compris ce qui avait c'était le lendemain que j'ai vue un messages que quoi il avait des bans a causse de la mise a jour.

C'est pour cela je fait ma demande de de-ban.

Car je croie être ban pour rien.

PS: j'ai le jeu en CD

Au revoir.

My name is Toxiki.

I am currently playing DayZ.

Some days ago there was an update of the Belgian DayZ. (As far as I know DayZ updates are the same all over the world./A ce que je sache les mises a jour de DayZ sont la meme a travers le monde.)

When DayZ updated I was playing a game and I got banned instantly. (That's imposible you cannot be updating your game files while playing/ C'est impossible tu ne peux mettre a jour le fichier du jeu en jouant.)

I didn't understand what it was at first. The day after I saw messages that there were bans becaus of that update.

That is why I am asking to be un-banned.

I think I have been banned for nothing.


The staff of this forum does not handle or issue Battleye bans, you have to contact them yourself.

Les administrateurs de ce forum ne s'occupent et n'emettent pas les bans de Battleye, tu dois les contacter toi-meme.

Edited by EchoZeero

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