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Constructable Signs

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I think it would be neat if there was an item that allowed you to place a readable sign. Just something simple where you could type in the message you want to leave on the sign which would be read/edited by other players using the scroll wheel menu. Maybe make it so other players could add text to the sign but not erase it. It shouldn't be permanent either, other players should be allowed to remove it with a toolkit or something. Survivors could use them to form groups and bandits could use them to set up ambushes or muggings.

Edited by rolphdrexl
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"Plz stand still @ this spot while i take a few shots @ u thnx"

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This could be done, but think of all the signs littering Cherno that just say things like "lolfagcunt121414eofweol".

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"Plz stand still @ this spot while i take a few shots @ u thnx"

lol, wouldn't that be funny though? :D

Someone crawling up to the sign to read it only to find that and being shot in the head a second later? I'd laugh my ass of it that was me there crawling. xD

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You should have to build a sign appropriate to where your gonna place it. Example, you build the part of the sign where the text goes but no pole to attach it into the ground. if you wanted to stick it on something else you would need duck tape or glue, but the glue and duck tape won't last forever unless you keep going back to re-tape it or re-glue it. After the tape or glue wears it will fall down as loot not as a displayable sign. Their should also be a sign limit so people aren't just randomly spamming signs to lag the server. Also the different materials used to make the sign would require different items to write on it and some signs will just be found as look such as a small whiteboard but you will need markers first to write on it. If you had a wooden sign you would need a knife to carve into it, the carving wouldn't be instant and would take X amount of seconds and after a while it would dull your knife or you'll have a chance of cutting your self. If you had a metal sign you might need a blow torch or maybe a firework to burn what you are saying into it. Wooden signs could be taken down by being burned with a box of matchs or being cut down by someone with a axe. The metal one's would either have to be hit by a vehicle or a similar blowtorch would be used to take it down,toolbox's to weaken it then chop it down with a axe?. However when they make the option of people making bases of course they're gonna want to put some signs on it. So if you are only allowed three signs in the world, in your own base you would be allowed six.

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^^ enter enter

actually signs might come in handy

when u steal a heli u can leave a sign "thnx for the heli !"

and plp will know that it was saved properly and then got stolen :)

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but signs should be only on cyrilic, that will be only realistic :)

there are wood in game, so we need nails as new item, and we can use axe as hammer.

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but signs should be only on cyrilic, that will be only realistic :)

i imagine sign that says:(translation from russian)"while you alt+tabed from game, to translate this text via google translate, i`ve emptied your backpack"

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Rocket has said you can leave notes in the standalone with a pencil and paper.

so close enough

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