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Some weird stuff happening....

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This week i have being playing mainly on DE 560 with a buddy of mine. We were making our way up to the NW airfield over a few days and when we arrived one night logged out (was getting late by the time we got there). The next night when we logged in, we arrived to the sound of gunfire and saw a chap getting hounded by a bunch of Z's by the barracks. We tried to help the guy out but he was killed, in a panic we had to run for our lives. As we just got of dodge, I was murdered instantly, no gun shots heard or zombies around. A few minutes later my buddy was killed by pot shots despite him being laid prone and hidden (also at night in a guille suit but still could see the other player).

We both rejoined the server and were either side of the Balota airfield and decided to hook up at the ATC tower. On route to the airfield the sky was a blaze with fire, covered the general area, lighting up everything. I thought this was another strange graphical glitch like i'm constantly getting. I come across a dead body with a some reasonable loot including a DMR. Obviously I take everything the chap held as I have nothing to my name, having lost a weeks worth of loot. After finding the body I narrowed down the flames on screen as I came across a crashed helicopter. There was a dead guy on the floor but was tapped out of loot. Me and my mate joined up and continued as normal.

I think it was either the same night or when I logged into the same server later and stumbled across another wrecked helicopter on route to Cherno (also a blaze lighting up the sky). Strange to find two in such close quarters. Close by I also found small ammo crates strewn across the coast. Nothing was in any of them except one which had a couple of much needed DMR mags. I approached Cherno from the south west outskirts from Balota and was observing the entrance to the supermarket. The position is covered by a hill and can only be seen by the main area I was observing. Again without gun fire or seeing anyone I was murdered. No hint of who, why or what got me just dead.

I respawned to spring for my corpse to retrieve the prized loot. I got to my body which was still full of the loot from which I collected and exited the server.

This situation got me thinking so I looked through the forums and wiki pages. It was strange to see two helicopters crashed so close together. I have read now that in the latest update only one helicopter per server is allowed and I'm pretty sure ammo crates are not an official loot source when laid out randomly.

My concern is that I will be banned for using the loot from which I can't be entirely sure if its all legit. The loot is all official hardware to be found in the game.

Could a moderator or someone comment what I should do? Ideally I don't want to dump the rifle as its a rare find, equally I don't want to unfairly play the game with hacked weapons. Are the ammo crates I found certainly from a hacked source? Now I have multiple ammo I don't know which is the stuff from the dead body or the crates.

Thanks in advance


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ammo crates do spawn. the 1 helicopter per server is "at the same time", not "total". dmr is in the game, dmr ammo is in the game, you are absolutely fine.

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ammo crates do spawn.

I don't think they do.


As i heard it from an Admin of another german Server, you won't get banned for using this stuff because the weapons are fixed to the player's ID who spawned them into the game.

But what you will do now with this knowledge depends on your feeling about it.

I myself found some crates few days ago with an fn fal and multiple clips for it in two ammo crates directly on the coast but i dumped it because i felt bad about using it.

Edited by Apfelsator

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I once found a dead player laying around in Elektro whom was caring a M4a1 CCO "Camo" SD, the body was also carrying 4 grenades and other nice loot. Walking a few meters further, I encountered an ammo crate. I only took the M4 and 2 grenades, since narrowing down if it's legitimate or not is questionable, but not impossible. For the ammo crate, I just left that for what is was.

The fun part of this game is looting, if it's plausible to be there, I'll grab it. If it's surely hacked (in ammo crates and such) I'll just leave it be. But it's entirely up to you, as long as the guns are in the game, you're safe.

Edited by Delark

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Cheers for the responses chaps.

I think the ammo crates are definitely dodgy after reading the comments here. I suspect the helicopter crashes were tied in with the person doing this, plus being instantly killed. The chap I found the rifle seemed to be not part of the helicopter crashes but as a consequence of them, so hopefully the rifle is legit. As for the ammo from the crates, for the time being I'll just use them up, but in future I am going to be much more diligent about where they come from. I don't have lots of time to keep up to date with DayZ progress, I just like to finish work and have a bash for a few hours with mates.

Hope to catch you all in the game soon.


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I found a crate loaded with enough gear to supply an American invasion. I just took a wookie suite and dmr after I had a look at the m107. I was not sure at that point if it was a banable offense or not so I just played it safe. 3 npc survivors were lying around it, it was very strange to see.

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I'm currently running around with a m4a3 CCO equipped and m4a3 CCO SD in my backpack... the sd has 3 mags, the reg has 6... not struggling for ammo at all... but i really... REALLY want to find one... and when i do... oh boy... its gonna be open season on some zeds... *maniacal laughter*

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I have definetly found ammo crates on crash sites before, and they are even in the dayz wiki... here:



You are linking to a ammo BOX but he was talking about ammo CRATES wich look like these:


Take a look here maybe:


Edited by Apfelsator

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