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Looking for someone to team up with

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I am relativley new to DayZ I've only been playing for a few weeks solo in order learn the basics of survival, getting around Chernarus, evading Zombies etc and i'm now looking for another player to team up with or a group/clan to join.

So far I've been playing as a 'friendly' and would like to help others in any group that I join or will have me.

I'm 30+ so i would appreciate grouping with more mature players, and I live in the UK so my timezone is GMT, I will be able to play at the weekend and weekday evenings only, due to work commitments.

I have skype, and can download TS3, Vent or any other voice comms that is needed, however my mic is faulty, so I will endevour to get it working or get a new one soon.

please PM me if interested or add me on steam - 'Franko88' is my steam name.

Thanks guys.

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Hey buddy, I'm from the UK too!

We just got a TS3 server the other day, you are more than welcome to join.

I added you on Steam.

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i sent you an invite, accept

Thanks for the group Namyar, it was fun getting those vehicles running, and I really appreciate the spare gear you gave me.

It's great to roll with friendly helpful players, makes a nice change from the lone wolf playstyle. :)

Edited by Remski

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Hey buddy, I'm from the UK too!

We just got a TS3 server the other day, you are more than welcome to join.

I added you on Steam.

Hi Voldy, I've accepted you on steam, thanks for replying, would be great to team up at some point.

Edited by Remski

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If you are interested I'm sure our group would love to have you! http://regulators.fr...s.org/index.php

Or UK based cell is quite active lately and you sound like just the kind of person they would want.

Good luck and stay safe out there!

Thanks, I'll check out your website when I have some more time.

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seidler1985 is my skype

seidler is my steam id,

i am from romania +2 gmt, 27 years old, , want to make friends to stop running alone :P also have mic

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hey guys, ive just started on day z and are looking for some friendly players to roll with.

If youre interested add me on steam: daallton91


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I'm interested fella, could do with some back up. Will add you ok.

Oh I'm UK based and 40+ lol

Steam Id : daztroyer1

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