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bloody ALT F4's and a fun time

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ok, so heres my story, I was in cherno, ended up with alice pack, m4a1 cco and a DMR everything else is uninportant, i decide to head up to stary, all is quiet, get some supplies, nothing important, leave, north of stary i find hoarding tents, nothin i need, i decide to go to NW airfield for some pvp, i like pvp, so i sneak around, and go from the south side of the airfield, looking around with DMR, what was that?!?! I spot a ghillie with an AS50 moving out of the hangers, I quickly see him and rush my shot, but, with my skill i clipped him in the chest and he fell down unconscious, i double tap him in the head just in case blank.gif and move up to loot, then when i got to him, the mother flipper had disconnected!?!?!? i am annoyed, but i got the kill, i then headed up to the east barracks and there was nothing in there? so i leave then suddenly... Crack! BANG!!! a DMR shot landed on the wall a couple of centimeters from my head, i dive into cover and spot my nemisis in the control tower and his friend blank.gif one guy had a DMR and the other an AK74, I sneak around for a good angle to go for the kill, then suddenly... ALT F4?!?!?!? are you flipping kidding me?!?!??! at this point i was pissed, so i move up into the tower to look for loot, and see something outside, a lipping heli crashed site ?!?!? i am very pleased with this, i move up and look around, i found 2 fnfals, with only 3 mags in total, and a bizon sd with 1 mag, i swapped my m4a1 cco for the fnfal and headed back to the tower looking for pvp, when i was in top room, Crack! a M1911 shot landed next to me, i dive down and wait for a sighting, i then hear climbing, i walk over to investigate and see a ghillie sniper on the ladder so i sprayed 10 rounds of the fn fal into him and he fell down, and on the direct chat he was laughing? lol, so i head back in and another shot landed next to me, i lie down, and i wait, a few minutes later i move out and walk around the top of the outside thing with rails, i then got shot in the leg, i crawl around corner and try to bandage, but the server was lagging and i couldnt, i wait and another guy came up ladder, i was lying down outside next to window, so while we was looting i jumped up and sprayed my fnfal into him, 7 round gone. i then look around, nothing, so i crawl around and try to get in the door, but my leg is broken and i cant walk in and i cant crawl in, so after a few struggling minutes i finally got in, the guy had a L85! sweet, got rid of my DMR and got stuff, he was a hacker cause he had a radio and a gps blank.gif i got stuff and hid body, went downstairs hid under stairs, i still couldnt bandage and i still couldnt see my debug monitor, i then disconnect and watch TV for 10 minutes, i join back in and my debug monitor is back blank.gif i had 2k health and was bleeding out, i finally bandaged and was down on 1k health, i fainted a couple of times and safely left the airfield.

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The font size in this thread is too damn small... And Dark. And all your .gifs are blank...

And I would probably make love to you for that radio.

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