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strangest 30 minutes in Dayz

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I believe i have had the strangest day in Dayz today. first i spawned into the game in elektro looting the store i hear the sound of a heli, look outside and there it is, i shoot at it, it shoots at me, no one died though. then i find a bandit he shoots me i run and we are shooting eachother, i go come behind a corner after kinda playing hide and seek with this guy find another bandit shooting someone i think, but i thought he was the one who shot me so i shot him. I broke his legs and he did some ninja barrel rolling and killed me.(i guess i suck:( )anyways i spawn back into elektro trying to run straight to my body but as i was running i spotted a bandit. he was soon shot and 2 more bandits ran around him, i just crouch up from prone ready to go to his body, but then i hear a car and come zooming right in front of me is a red sedan,after that i ran up to the bandit body, but he had nothing, now continuing to my body i find nothing but a winchester which was not mine. I take and run to the store and of course he takes me down with a makarov, and then i wrote this on the forums.

I don't know about you, but that was my strangest time in Dayz.

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I think it was "strange" because you might've had fun!

You know, no hackers,snipers, or campers. Instead a fucking helicopter and a barrel rolling boss.

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Ooh, a strange experience thread?

A few weeks ago when I was Chernogorsk, I decided to give my m24 a whirl. Strapping on my weapons and clothing myself in camo (ghillie makes me stand out far too much when i'm laying on a roof), and hop onto the tallest building I can find. Five minutes in my scouting at a twenty player server, I hear a soft "wupping" sound. I check the four sides real quickly in the streets, and see two people just building with sandbags, or something. Now, not only have I never seen sandbags in use, but there was more defence doing on. Barbed wire blocking two sides, those anti-vehicle cross-girders, et cetera. Now, I don't like killing that often, but I usually do so when I get nervous. This was not a time to get nervous. Back to reality; the wupping is getting closer. On the horizon from the north (Over the stacked hotels), a heli can be now seen. I wanted that heli, and was willing to risk everything I got. They landed in the junction, picked off the zombies, and were doing something I'm still not totally sure of to this moment. I'm taking a head-count as I notice that they scatter. 7 people, and possibly more just flee instantly. Now, if something that isn't me has the ability to make a seven+ stacked survivor/bandit salad scatter, I should be afraid, too. On the east, I notice a red, dinky looking car sputter up to the make-shift landing site. I realize that it must have been a trap for someone. Around the bend, two more cars, a literal fucking tank (yeah, a tank. hot damn.), and some female survivor on a bike just patrol the area. Now, my sides were splitting badly after I seen the bike; it was hilarious to see for the first time. The two groups consisted of 7+ well geared people with the element of suprise, versus a group of five with winchesters, an m14 and some aks. This was too good to pass up. I shot one of the cars, thinking "Whoa no, I missed! I am such a bad shot!". Seeing the people hide in the bushes just instantly jump out as each group start dropping like flies.

I made my way down the three ladders with the biggest shit eating grin and run my ass to the treelines as quick as I could.

To this day, I still don't know what was going on.

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