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Which pistol do you prefer?

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G17 for its flashlight.

Although I prefer to carry an M9SD if my primary isn't silent.

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G17 for me.

Large magazine, most times it only takes 2 hits to down a Z'd and the tactical light is can be pretty useful sometimes (although I try to use it the less possible to avoid reveal my position).

The ammo is easy to find in deer stands and firestations.

As second option I would chose the 1911. I love it IRL, cool gun, but the small magazine...

I really miss my fav gun, that is a middle point between the, two of above, the HK USP .45 , it has a nice 12 bullets mag. and the punch of the .45 ACP :D

Oh btw, fisrt post in the forum :) Hey all!!

P.S. Srry for my English :P

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taking down people, the magnum is by far te most effectivel.

I actually don't mind the makarov, just it takes a full clip to kill people.

I really like the 1911 but I ammo isn't nearly as available as the makarov or even the magnum.

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G17 for me, hands down.

A pistol's job is to take down Zombies without alerting half the Z population on a server. If you go for headshots the G17 kills Zs with a single bullet, which means 17 dead Zs with a single magazine. More kills/mag means less inventory space needed for pistol ammo. And since inventory space is always scarce, that's a BIG selling point.

Also the flashlight is great for looting indoors at night or for quick signals to your group.

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Order of preference:

1. M9 SD

2. PDW

3. G17

4. M9

5. M1911

6. Revolver

7. Makarov

I aim for the head unless in absolute emergency, so stopping power is not really very important to me. Suppression comes first and foremost followed by magazine capacity and compatibility.

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Makarov all the way baby!

Quiet, excellent for dropping Z's and ammo so common it's almost unlimted! It's perfect for what a side arm should be used for - dispatching of the undead/infected. Primary wapon is for dealing with troublesom banditos!

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-Constant supply of ammo, as it eats basically every magazine holding 9mm rounds

-Full auto lead dispenser for corridor fighting

-Quiet enough for zeds(completely silent with SD mags)

-Perfect addition to a long range rifle like a CZ/M24/DMR/M16A4 ACOG

-You can carry large quantities of ammo because of the 30rnd magazines

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Out of the pistols, I generally prefer the Glock 17. It's relatively quiet and has a high clip capacity, which is what matters the most when fighting zombies, since I generally enter a building and kill them there with headshots while they are walking slowly.

I would say that the M1911 is more versatile than the Glock 17, though. It's more useful if you stumble upon a player due to its stopping power, and it's also good to have if you want to be able to kill zombies out in the open easily, where it's much harder to get headshots.

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1911 is better then your .45 revolver IMO but if you have a great primary then take the Glock 17, that built in flashlight is a huge help when checking out buildings during night times to see what has spawned.

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I used to always carry the M1911 due to it being one of my favorite guns, but im more of the thinking now that your primary is for other players and your sidearm is for zombie disposal. Im running with a M14 AIM and a M9SD right now and it works great. I also like the Glock for the sometimes handy flashlight

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The M1911 is my go-to pistol. Ammo is pretty easy to get. I always keep 6-10 mags of it handy. And the noise level makes it great for taking zombies down. It also handles a ton better than the Makarov.

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I'm quite fond of the revolver. I've been using the Hydra and max weapon dead zone to play, so the trigger pull and recovery time of the revolver feel just right.

And it's not a magnum. It's 45. ACP, which is weird but not unheard of. I think it's the Taurus Tracker m455, actually.

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Revolver for me.

High damage with Low noise/sound.

The M1911 has high damage but will attract all zeds in what seems like a 50 yard radius =\

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So, damage wise the G17, M9 and maybe a couple others are just the same as the Makarov. What makes a big difference is the clip size which is why I like the G17 so much. I like it over the M9 strictly because it has more variety in ammo. It can use M9 mags and a few other different ones. I also like it over the M9 because the ammo seems to be much more common. The flashlight is just a small bonus.

Right now I have an M9 with a bunch of mags because I managed to go through a barracks or two and have yet to see a G17.

When it comes to lower tier side arms I'd say I like the 1911 over the Revolver just because it carries an extra bullet in each mag. For me personally 1911's and their ammo seem to be more common than the revolver as well.

Noise level for 1911, revolver, G17, M9, Makarov and such seem to be pretty much the same. So G17 > 1911 > Makarov

Revolver for me.

High damage with Low noise/sound.

The M1911 has high damage but will attract all zeds in what seems like a 50 yard radius =\

It seems you've had some bad luck as the 1911 and revolver have the same noise level. I've used both and they seem to have the same agro range to me.

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M1911. I love the gun for it's 1 shot zombie kills,and It's a personal favorite IRL. My only problem with it is that it's got terrible irons.

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