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newbie questions

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I'm sending this from a phone, so bear with me :) .

I have a few questions about dayZ. First and foremost:

What's the usefulness of a mechanic in a group?

Is one more nessecary in a larger group than a small one?

Mechanic = guy dedicated to carting around car parts and filled jerrycans.

What's the usefulness of a medic in a group?

Is one more nessecary in a larger group than a small one+

Medic= guy dedicated to keeping the team alive.

Also, will a GTX570 run the game with 8gb of ram and a i5 2500K. ?

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Should run pretty good- PROTIP settings under HIGH use the CPU and HIGH or above use the GPU. should be having no trouble on very high ;)

Groups? Screw that, i run solo and if i need help i call in some friends from skype to fix me up ;)

If you insist on grouping make sure you know them IRL so if they back-stab you can kick their ass/burn theyre house and/or car.

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It depends on what gear everyone has and what not. If everyone has room for 1-2 morphine, some bandages, and a blood bag for themselves, you should get along ok. Now if everyone needs space for extra primaries and ammo and such, it is nice to have a guy with a bag full of meds. Just make sure he doesn't go down right away, and even if you have a dedicated medic, still carry a couple bandages and a morphine yourself, just incase.

As for mechanic, I play in small groups and haven't had much luck with vehicles anyways, but I don't see the need. Store parts at your camp and when you go vehicle hunting, load up and move out. Jerry Cans can just be stored in the vehicle once you find it.

Edited by HerrJon

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as Asshat stated the 570 and 2500k should run it in high pretty easily.

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A mechanic *specialist*??

I don't see the need. If you have a coupla guys, it won't be unusual for one to have a toolkit. I wouldn't waste space in anyone's pack lugging around tires, scrap metal, or a jerry can. You can find those things in just about every town. Especially if you are looking for something useful, like beans. Now if you already have a vehicle, then I might have one guy lug engine parts around. Last time I had a vehicle, I needed parts, and sure enough, couldn't find engine parts even in industrial areas.

Vehicle first, then worry about feeding it.

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