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a noobs first impressions

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its tricky to get the mod running and join a server (for a novice) , but i sussed iteventually

its an equally difficult interface to get used to, i still cant seem to speak to anyone unless they are next to me, the group, vehicle channels dont seem to have anyone in that replies, i must be doing somthing wrong ?

the broken bones are a pain, i crawled around for hours looking for a cure in the shape of some morphine. never did find it.......

itd be nice to start with a pistol, is there servers that do this ?

is there any servers out there that cater for noobs and have friendly people on them ? i saw one person in the flesh, once, in abotu 10 hours of play.

he axed me to death when my back was turned

its a shame because i like the concept, enough to have bought arma 2 just to play dayz, but i cant seem to learn much about it, and i feel frustrated that i cant find anyone, on any server, who will help me.

part of it is not really understanding the arma2 chat interface i guess, the rest is down to the sheer size of the maps maybe, and then theres the fact that people just want the few bits you do pick up and kill you lol

if anyone does have the time id love to learn how to play it a bit better and even get hold of a gun to blast a few zombies

anyway, my name is john im 44 and live in the UK

hi to all and what a great mod this is

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--A Pro's Cross Reference--

DayZ is a cruel world full of bugs, bandits, and poor programing. Deal with it.

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Hi. it'll take a while for you to find a good server (no hackers) and to get to grips with the basics. Good luck.

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i'd suggest that you....

- download and use dayzcommander as your server browser if you aren't already using it.

- use http://www.dayzdb.com/map to get acquainted with the map and item spawn locations.

- use the comma "," key on your keyboard to toggle communication channels, the one you want to use is "direct communication," and yes you need to be close to someone to be heard.

- if you break your legs and don't have morphine, find some zombies and invite them to feast upon you - the hours you spend crawling to a hospital will simply not be worth it.

- play a lot - best way to gain an understanding of the mod

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thank you to the posts that deserve thanks

i appreciate it

i will persevere, i will get to grips with it and i will do well playing the game

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thank you to the posts that deserve thanks

i appreciate it

i will persevere, i will get to grips with it and i will do well playing the game

That's the ticket!

Getting used to Arma 2's clunky interface is a must. Use the bootcamp and single player Arma 2 campaign to learn the controls, button's and other bits and bobs.

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Some advice regarding other players: If you find another person and want to be non-hostile, type or say the word (with a mic by pressing caps lock) "friendly" in direct chat and hope they reciprocate. Don't trust them, but offer them help/aid. If they don't reply then either avoid them or return fire if they shoot first.

Don't give an unarmed player a weapon if he asks for one. They'll cap you for the rest of your gear. (If you give a seemingly fresh spawn a Makarov, he might have a magazine in his inventory).

Stay away from people with towels on their heads. Don't even try to communicate with them. They are bandits.

I also recommend trying to sneak into a town like elektro (try and use a map like someone above me said). Fire stations usually have some okay weaponry and supermarkets are a very good source of food, drink and equipment to help you gather more supplies (like a compass, map, hunting knife etc)

If you find a bag that's bigger than yours, open it and put the contents of your currently equipped bag inside the new bag before you take the new one.

You will die. A lot. Especially if you want to talk to people in game. Don't let that put you off, dying is a strangely fun part of the game. Starting again can be really fun.

Zombies can't run when in a building. If you have a zombie conga line, run through an open house or barn to lose them.

I hope this isn't too... basic, or obvious. These are just a few things I'd have liked to be told on my first couple days.

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to be honest every other player ive ever seen has just killed me, prior to me getting a weapon sadly

most of the time i havent even seen them

its a bit of a struggle to get into the game at all as such, but ill strugge on until i get somewhere

i guess im just one of the few who wouldnt kill another player and as such i struggl to get anywhere

ah well, ill keep trying to get a gamer and get a game i can get somewhere in

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Ive been playin like 3 days now, saw around 6 players, mangaged to avoid 4. One axed me to death while i was running in a barn to avoid zombies, the other shot me in one of the orange houses on accident then fixed me up and i promptly legged it

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Starting without a gun is part of the charm of the game. It's a game feature and you probably won't find any servers that support in - not on the official grid anyway.

The reasons for not having a gun at start-up are many:

  • It makes it impossible to KOS fresh spawns, which was a problem when you started with a gun.
  • It promotes cooperation between fresh spawns.
  • Also it promotes seriousness and makes the game mutch more thrilling, as you know that the only way to get supplies is sneak past the zeds and get into a house.

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