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Lukio (DayZ)

Picked up binocs from a tractor, lost food / water

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I was playing on DE21 (I think) when I happened upon a tractor. Inside I found binoculars which I took out by using the gear interface.

I received the binocs, but somehow everything else got removed out of my backpack and pouches, except ammo and both weapons. I logged out and logged back in, nothing changed except that now my drink/food icons were blinking read.

Note - before I took out the binocs I still had sth. like 3 cans of food and at least one full water bottle and some soda.Before I looted I had just drank/eaten something.

Seeing that there wasn't much I could do and my equipment wasn't that good I simply decided to respawn. Respawning brought me to an empty desert (probably the area west of the map) without any equipment. I disconnected and moved to another server. There my character was still around the tractor, still food/water blinking and still nothing to eat/drink.

What happened - and what can be done to resolve this? I already once made the hike about 3km east into the map and am not looking forward to starting without any equipment at all. Respawning doesn't seem to do anything. :s

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Hey Lukio.

Glad u can play again on my server.

i believe the masterserver problems from yesterday was causing this

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