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Jimmy Russels

Scripter killed me and friend via air-strike like explosion, global ban appeal. 108 UK

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find tent camp, full of m4a1 cco sd and other ultra rare weapons. Suddenly we hear a chopper flying over head. We shoot it down, he crashes, walks from chopper wreck bleeding. we finish him off, Mic spam him for begin a hacker and an overall noob. his body sinks into the ground seconds after he died, no one claims to hide to body. Next thing we know. explosions. explosions everywhere.... we die. The ID he was using Suroyvi. Time this happened was about 8:10pm BST. On UK 108 server, atm the whole forest is on fire. He also had a saiga 12k on his body which to the best of my knowledge doesn't spawn in dayz

If any other information is required ill be more than inclined to give it as a reply to this thread. Thanks


This picture was taken by our 3rd friend who didn't die from the explosion, he's wearing some of the loot from the tents.

Edited by Jimmy Russels

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