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1 more for the good guys.

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So I died today :( and I had to start fresh. So I got lucky or as others might say unlucky to spawn in Elektro. I had a search around a few buildings managing to pick up a Makarov and a Double Barral Shot gun. I got to the church and once I got by the door I heard a crack and a bullet hitting the wall in front of me. I run into the chruch and close the doors. I grab some pellet ammo what was in the church and put a wire fence up by the door. I hide behind the tombs in the church thinking what to do next. Do I just leg it or quit the server and join another one?

Then I realised what I did a few minutes before I just put a wire fence down but I don't have a toolbox to take it down. I was about to quit until I heard someone shooting what sounded like Revolver. I stay where I am for a few seconds then I notcie the church door open. Its the sniper he looks around then looks at the wire fence then starts to take it down. A zombie then came into the chutch and started to attack him. i knew this was my moment and come from cover got a little closer to him and shot him right in the back of the head with a double barral. He died right away. I then had to deal with a few zombies coming in the church but they where easy to kill. I then go over to his body and loot it.

Who ever you where thanks for the M24 and mags and the cooked meat taste to good with the tin of beans.

Seriousy had you been sitting there for hours and not seen anyone? Was I your first pick of the day? Could you not stand the waiting anymore? Because you missed me you thought you would come out of your bird next to come and shoot me up close and personal?

Idiot snipers.

Edited by ocelot20
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Being in Elektro means that there are multiple people in there at once.

Elektro snipers are notorious for not being "honorable" and all that shit. They Alt F4 at the first sign of trouble.

It is of highest probability that you just randomly killed a random survivor... In Elektro... You're a monster.

-edit, my logicses kicked in. No matter who it was, they had a high-val weapon, and were in Elektro alone... So they were there to PK anyways, which refutes my "argument". Meh.-

Edited by Hydra

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He did have a bandit wrap on his head so I have no regret lol. Come to think of it he might of been a random player as he never had a ghili suit on.

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Well what happened above I went into a building in elektro and logged out to take a break. 20 minutes ago I logged in. As soon as I spawned where I left off I heard like a shot gun shot from the floor above me then I heard someone running away and a load of zombies running after him. So I quikcly went up stairs and found 2 dead guys. 1 fresh player with a hatchet and one in a gilli suit. The one in the suit had M4A3 with a few mags. Inside his back was was a DRM sniper with some mags and a M9 SD with no ammo. Along with some essentials like matches/map/NV goggles.

I bet who ever killed the buy is gutted he never grabbed what he could before running of from the zombies lol.

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