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Installed ArmA2:OA Beta Patch 96061 - killed my fps

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I just updated Arma2 OA to the beta build 96061 because i couldn't connect to any dayz servers otherwise. Yesterday everything ran just fine. Today, after i updated, my framerate sucks ass. I have about 5 fps all the time, and it doesn't change with the graphic settings, 5 fps on very high, and 5 fps on very low. Which makes the game almost unplayable. Since half of the map is still fucked up with those graphic glitches (from elektro to balota for me, and everything to the west from there on, i don't know the names of those villages) Especially the balota airstrip and cherno are fucked up, can't see shit there.

Anyway, i know the graphic glitches are a known issue and are gonna be fixed with the next update, but the framerate thing is really bad, i can't avoid it like i can with the graphic glitches. Nothing i do will get the fps above 5, and my GPU is always at about 2-5% workload. No idea what i could try to fix that, or if it is indeed the beta patch.

Anyone got any ideas?

I bought Arma2 just yesterday, then i needed to patch it today and now i can't play anymore... this sucks ass :/

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Got the same problem dude... I dunno what to do either.

I actually tried some more stuff and asked a few people,,, i'm not exactly sure what it was, but what helped me was to start steam as an administrator and check the file integrity of arma 2 and OA (he will find about 4-6 files that need replacing) then replace the beta exe of OA again, because steam will revert it to the latest "safe" patch. You'll have to install the latest OA beta patch again before that. Then install DayZ again (i used dayz commander for that, you could just delete the files and download them again as well)

After that, you just have to try some servers, sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. i have no idea how to identify servers that work, it seems to be random and mainly luck, last time i tried about 25-30 servers and found 2 that worked.

The lag issues seems to be server related sometimes. The 2 servers that worked the one day, performed really shitty the next. What seems to be the case (at least for me) is: Servers with more than 15 people tend to be laggy as fuck and you should try to avoid them, same goes for servers with less than 3 or 4 people, they are usually empty because they haven't been restarted for some time and therefore they suck (aka they lag and can cause low fps, crappy connections and even graphic glitches that are worse than on other servers)

I did all of this stuff and tried to find good servers that are reliable for more than 2 hours. Sometimes i get lucky sometimes i don't, you just have to be lucky i guess, and being patient and persistent helps as well, just don't give up - if it doesn't work the first time, try again, it will work eventually.

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