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"Bad version, server rejected connection"

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Hello everybody!

I was wondering, that I can't update my Arma II Beta Patch.

I wanted to join on a full server, with the version "1.62.96013" I think so, but I'm not sure.

Now I wanted to update my Arma II Beta Patch on the same version, how the server is, but it doesn't work all the time! Every time I tried to update it, it will stay on my old version!

Btw. my version is "1.62.95216" (I think so, but I'm again not sure".

Can anyone help me with this big problem?

And yeah I also tried to install Arma II and Arma II: Operation Arrowhead new, but it doesn't work.

Edited by Floody

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I had this happen the other day just download the fresh beta from http://www.arma2.com/beta-patch.php extract it into the expansions/beta folder of your arma 2 OA install then run the program. Don't rely on six or dayz commander they for some reason didnt do it. /shrug

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And this should work?

I'm wondering, that it's not take over 5 seconds to install this patch... is that normal? I think it's finished, because I get the message, that the patch is succesfully installed, but than it wouldn't work.

Should I give the patch more than that seconds?

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It's fast. It doesn't take even 5 seconds. I have had this problem a few times, and each time I have to manually swap the Arma2OA.exe file with the beta file. Easy, copy it from the expansions/beta folder into the root folder where Arma2OA.exe is. Rename Arma2OA.exe to .old or .xxxx (version number). Then replace it with the beta version.

Because my son and I sometimes share the same PC to play DayZ, I have started to do things differently. I let DayZCommander update the files, but before I do, I save a copy of the beta folder by version and the DayZ folder by version. Then let DayZCommander do it update. Then I copy the new beta exe over.

Since I started doing that I have no problems. I can go back and forth between versions.


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Thats really work for me! I'm so glad, that someone has taken this burden.

Thank you so much for this awesome information, as I said I'm so glad about this. :-)

Edited by Floody

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