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A lot of questions :D

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Guys, I've just installed DayZ yesterday and I tried to start it but the "waiting for character to create" error striked me which caused me to delay me in playing the game.

Meanwhile, any tips for someone who is just starting? I am afraid I might need to die and respawn to learn what to do in this game and I am gathering anything I could as to lessen my death count, not that it matters.

And any of you guys have any solution if the "waiting for character to create" error would appear again? Thanks and good luck on your journeys. :>

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Learning how to survive and find what you need is probably some of the most fun you can have with DayZ.. There's a good wiki guide that can explain some of the equipment to you. My one tip for a noob would be to avoid the big cities (Cherno, Electro) until your happy with the controls and using your inventory.

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I had this problem a while back, make sure your Dayz is up to date. I'd recommend that you use Dayz Commander, this program will update your files and game to the correct version, It's pretty simple I'd highly recommend it.

As for getting started, I'm pretty new to. i've been playing for 2-3 days now and I haven't found a weapon, quite dissapointed in this game to be honest. Seems like one of those games where you have to play hours on end, and I die in stupid ways. E.G Falling out of the map :/

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