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Is it possible to find and loot your own corpse?

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First of all, hi everyone. I was looting a building in Elektro when someone suddenly appeared behind me and nearly axed me to death (yeah I know, noob mistake on my part). I managed to kill the guy but my blood count went down to about 2000 and I could not stop the bleeding before I fainted and died. So my question is, if I went to the place where I died in the same server without disconnecting after my death, will I be able to find and loot my corpse? I really want to get my Ghillie Suit back. Thanks a lot for the answers in advance.

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Yes, you can loot your dead body! ... Though it's a bit strange ahaha.

If you were wearing your Ghillie suit, you cannot get it back. Good luck!

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Hello yes you can loot your corpse if you find it same as other dudes to unless someone looted them first

But you wont be able to loot the Ghillie suit of your corpse

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Yes, you can loot your dead body! ... Though it's a bit strange ahaha.

If you were wearing your Ghillie suit, you cannot get it back. Good luck!


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Yes you can. player corpses stay in the same server for a while. Up to 2/3 hours in some cases. As for your ghillie though, if you were wearing it at the time of death, you cant retrieve it.

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you wont to be able to get your ghillie suit back but you can still loot your corpse aslong as no one else has

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Well firstly you carnt loot a worn ghillie suit, Unless its in a package. So youve lost your ghillie.

Secondly, yes its possible to loot your own body, but sometimes with me personally its quite hard to get the loot options to show up, seemingly making it not lootable, But I went away from my corpe and tried again and it was lootable, if this happens to you just try every different angle. try lying down and going into first person aswel.

But if there is a server restart then your body will vanish and your screwed.

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