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xX DeKz Xx

looking for mature over 18 uk players to join my clan

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He's not 14 mate , and where did you hear that?

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For fuck sake i dont beleive this is still going.

These fuckers are trolls !

Just google this benpowell987 hes been banned off every forum & every game hes played for being an utter nob n trollin people

Stop giving attention to the children or they wont learn

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He's not 14 mate , and where did you hear that?

Perhaps his age isn't 14. However, I am pretty sure his mental age is around there....

Please refrain from being a smart arse if you cannot even construct a sentence in normal English. Additionally, here is a top tip, play less Dayz and pay MORE attention in your English classes.

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mental age of 14? why are you even posting on here. you dont no anything about this topic. everything about me on this topic thats not from my clan mates is bullshit pure and simple. anyway im ending it soon there is just one thing i have to do. watch this space

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Perhaps his age isn't 14. However, I am pretty sure his mental age is around there....

Please refrain from being a smart arse if you cannot even construct a sentence in normal English. Additionally, here is a top tip, play less Dayz and pay MORE attention in your English classes.

Heh, I am so completely laughing right now, heh, He probably speaks like; ''Yooo'Blaad, Ima'battah'that man, you get me fam'.'' in real life, Heh, people nourdays, urgh.

mental age of 14? why are you even posting on here. you dont no anything about this topic. everything about me on this topic thats not from my clan mates is bullshit pure and simple. anyway im ending it soon there is just one thing i have to do. watch this space

Awh, lil'kid going to go too one server, and see if when one of us dies, you're going to screenshot it and post it as your own? Haha, funny, Oh and I heard from one o'your guys you're thinking about hacking, I'd like too see yer'try, because when yer'do, the Anti-cheat script will just ban you instantly...

Hah, but other than that, i'l keep tab's on this thing, as you'll never kill me sonny'boy, The pure fact that I havn't managed to play in three days as too the fact i've been sorting ten things out at once, oh and not too mention in real life issues, So aye,

We shall hunt yer'down when I do manage to join the rest of the group and get online, as I am sure, from what I've been told by the guy working for us, in your clan, that you are just a nob, and a newbie, So how about it, stop talking all this bullshit, and biggin'yer'self up, and actually do something, or do you wish for me to post for discriminating quotes, That will possible get you into trouble with your clan.

I am getting sick of you, as you are nothing but a pathetic child, You do not know when too give up, as face it, this was beat yesterday, when you practically cried on skype, Heh, go on, suck up to me again infront of everyone, like you did with my clan, you Spineless, two faced, little coward... Admit it, before I do start to get mad, you arn't going to try anything, you just wish to make it seem that way, You're clan are pussy's except for a select few, and you? Heh, you're just pathetic...

Give... the... fuck... Up... before I do start to get pissed off, End.. off..

Edited by benpowell987

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And if you think i'm angry there, you need to ac tually of seen me angry, I'm just getting sick of being hurrassed by this chap, end off.

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And if you think i'm angry there, you need to ac tually of seen me angry, I'm just getting sick of being hurrassed by this chap, end off.


Come on our home server so i can shoot you repeatedly

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this squad seems fun, i wanna join!

It really is,

vary random group led aimlessly (i mean amazingly) by Dekz

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Who the fuck says chap you freaking moron

I do you prat', Is it not blatant by the fact that i've said it about fifty times on this thread alone?


Come on our home server so i can shoot you repeatedly

Oh, you just provided laughs again, Heh, No but honestly, there will be a fight, if your Spinelss leader bothers to inbox me the Server name and IP, with the time and date, Five days in advance please and thank yer', i've got things too do.

Oh, and just one more thing;

im the leader of [ESQD] Elite Squad and i think your idea is great but id like to ask sum questions on skype tonite if thats ok. something about our clan merging with urs.

yes ive seen ur clan around and uve killed us a few times so i belive an alliance or merge would be fantastic get bck to me when you can

this was before the arguments started bet he didnt mention any of that did he? not too mention the screenshots that I am trying to find, and/or save from corruption due to a wide known fact that, I host several servers on othergames and one of them was DOS attacked, about a few days back, when this argument calmed down the first time.

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Let us do a test;

Ben is going to use the same spelling, grammer AND defencive techniques that Dekz has been using, and you are going to tell me how much of it you understood, So here goes, my inpression of Dekz:

''ur spellin and grammur is shit and ur a dick and ur jst trolling I cant disprove anything of wht you hav sad bt i will sre as hell call u a pussy and say u r lying. I cnt stand up 4 myself so im gonna gt my freinds involved even though it will end up as 1 person beatin alot of kids arses over the internet forum. I cnt diffrientiate btween photoshop and quotes even though u have said tht you cant use the thing, I will still say that every pice of solid proof u have is photoshopped, nd I shall continue calling u a pussy and hurrasing u ovr evry peice of media I cn get a chance at. I wnt leave it between 2 guys fighting it outt, bcuse I am a pssy like that, but sre as hell I wll say ''Go suck dick you cunt'' or ''Im going to kill you u stupid cunt'' every nw and thn, Or occasionally i may spell properlly too make myself feel better, and more intellectual about myself, but this almost only happens every time you point it that I am using stupid as fuck text speak..''

Urgh, I belive I lost a few braincells just writing that. But kid, you do know that winning an argument over the internet is like, two chavs fighting and one coming out victorius? no matter whom wins, they both sound and look ridiculasly stupid, the only reason I am persisting is because, my friend, you will not leave me be.

Edited by benpowell987

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I do you prat', Is it not blatant by the fact that i've said it about fifty times on this thread alone?

Oh, you just provided laughs again, Heh, No but honestly, there will be a fight, if your Spinelss leader bothers to inbox me the Server name and IP, with the time and date, Five days in advance please and thank yer', i've got things too do.

Oh, and just one more thing;

this was before the arguments started bet he didnt mention any of that did he? not too mention the screenshots that I am trying to find, and/or save from corruption due to a wide known fact that, I host several servers on othergames and one of them was DOS attacked, about a few days back, when this argument calmed down the first time.

I do you prat', Is it not blatant by the fact that i've said it about fifty times on this thread alone?

Oh, you just provided laughs again, Heh, No but honestly, there will be a fight, if your Spinelss leader bothers to inbox me the Server name and IP, with the time and date, Five days in advance please and thank yer', i've got things too do.

Oh, and just one more thing;

this was before the arguments started bet he didnt mention any of that did he? not too mention the screenshots that I am trying to find, and/or save from corruption due to a wide known fact that, I host several servers on othergames and one of them was DOS attacked, about a few days back, when this argument calmed down the first time.

Firstly, i've been involved with your 'clan' several weeks maybe even months ago - you where the most disorganised group i have ever come across hence why i swiftly left and took to the forums.

I know your Home server is a US server, the name and IP escape at this very moment and i will find and post them later today

If like you say you host several other games on servers why would you play on a US server? your ping was ridiculous and quite frankly i think your talking out of your ass.

I personally think that you are some 'allmighty' keyboard warrior who is all talk and can not back up shit.

I'll let Dekz tell you are home server,

stupid little teenage boy.

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Alright guys. Let's try to sort all this out.

What exactly happened, and why is everybody so mad at each other?

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Something that should have been kept private in IM's has exploded over several of ESQD's recruitment posts.

The needless trolling / spamming post's by 'bartender Ben' Have irritated the majority of ESQD

I stayed out of the whole posts leaving it to Dekz but this kid just wont stay away

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Something that should have been kept private in IM's has exploded over several of ESQD's recruitment posts.

The needless trolling / spamming post's by 'bartender Ben' Have irritated the majority of ESQD

I stayed out of the whole posts leaving it to Dekz but this kid just wont stay away

tell you what bradly, you knew what we told you, you only know what this group is, by what we've fed too you, you dont know our full teamspeak, as we dont give it too new kids, aswell as the fact that you also do not know our home server, with is not an US server, as that is an almight shit stain of a ping, oh and another thign bradly, if our clan has been open a few weeks, How come, the fact that we only opened up the Forums, about one week ago, and the teamspeak five days ago,

Sir, you are nothing, but a disguisting troll, ever affilitate yourself with the Enforcers again, and I shall do more than be a ''keyboard warrior'' Call us disorganised again, and I shall do much much more than be a keyboard warrior.

Oh and uhm, I wont just stay away, i've privatised this too one thread, but, you seem to forget, the fact that your lil'dekz has been posting on our forums, to which followed by an immidiate IP ban, and deletion of the post, is just followed by another proxy account, to which is Then again posting, I may not be the best at Applications, but this clan has been organised supurbly, I do not sleep, I barely rest, as I am too busy sorting out stuff for this clan,

And I know whom you are chap, I could simple ban your forum account on our forum now, but rather, I belive it too be quite funny, that you are nothing more than me, A disguisting, lil'troll of a man, too whom belives himself too be as good as gold...

Edited by benpowell987

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You are disorganised. you claim to own servers / host servers yet you are using createaforum.com as you main use of communicating to your 'epic' clan

and as for my claim to a few weeks i've been playing z for around 3 months now and have floated between groups before settling with dekz and co, i did run with you for probably 3 days at the most yet it was so dreary it probably felt like an eternity.

And quit bigging up about side arm kills, cos you havent killed one member of ESQD and thats a Fact

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and in your words, you have no home server - you venture from server to server as its your best chance of survival - thus admitting you are in fact a server hopper / ghoster that is sad!

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You are disorganised. you claim to own servers / host servers yet you are using createaforum.com as you main use of communicating to your 'epic' clan

and as for my claim to a few weeks i've been playing z for around 3 months now and have floated between groups before settling with dekz and co, i did run with you for probably 3 days at the most yet it was so dreary it probably felt like an eternity.

And quit bigging up about side arm kills, cos you havent killed one member of ESQD and thats a Fact

and in your words, you have no home server - you venture from server to server as its your best chance of survival - thus admitting you are in fact a server hopper / ghoster that is sad!

My words? Well atleast give me a quote of this chap, because that is such what, let me say; that is a wreckage of a joke, that is has died as many times possible, and somehow is still funny. the fact that you have already lied about how long you where in the clan for makes it much more funny. going from one hysteric Lie to some big shameful comment on how it feeeellltt soooo loooonnng...

Chap, i've actually met someone too whom is equal to me at this, I belive that you are wrong, I belive that you should of kept this quite a few more days, that way, you would of actually been invited too the clan's Main Forum's, Something that has always been kept quite too you new guys, As my chap, I am not stupid, nor am I completely trustful, and do you belive this? I've hosted clan's, guilds and groups since I was ten mate, and even myself, Do not honestly belive that any of you, are that stupid to belive that there is not another subsection of the forum, that you can go too. Heck, I am just a recruiter, but I am one of those people that gets extremely violent when I hear that someone has gone behind my back, So, I tell you this now, you shallpostt on our forums that you are leaving, you then shall lose contact with every other member in the recruits secction, and then we shall talk then.

oh, and one final thing, if you are going to try and call us disorganised, atleast can you give us an exact number of how many People are on the forums? And can you explain too me why you never see a majority of them on ts or said create forums? heh, because all of there applications via skype had been accepted, aswell as they have all trecked too the Veteran teamspeak, and the forums.

Dont bother with me again chap, as we know, you have nothing on me...

Get dekz to give up, and then I shall... Other than that chaplette, G'day.

enjoying the laughs still :thumbsup:

Edited by benpowell987

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I think it's fair to say that we are agreeing to disagree

I think you are bullshitting your way into being something bigger than you are

and i look forward to comming across you within Day z again.

Now please move along

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I think it's fair to say that we are agreeing to disagree

I think you are bullshitting your way into being something bigger than you are

and i look forward to comming across you within Day z again.

Now please move along

Funny kid, Unfortuantly, yer'see, Since dekz promised me a laugh, I cant simple ''Move on'' More than I can get him to back down from commenting on our recruits forum.

think that I'm bullshitting? Okay then, you've proven that you've bullshitted more than once in this thread, So aye, why should anyone belive you in any opinion?

Kid, after today, I will allow you too kill me, youve provided so many laughs, even now, I look back too your posts, you completely Contradicted yourself on quite a few things, so aye...

Now it'a my turn to talk...

Move along fool, as you are quite oblivius to the fact that if you even continue this thread, the fact is; I will get mad, and you will not like me when I'm mad... Quite litually, you live in liverpool, and you've signed up too my forums, s'all I need to know..

Belive me a keyboard warrior, Try me, Continue you're ''feats of greatness'' But in the end, you will just turn out like the rest of them, Backing down, and saying I didnt mean any of it...

That is not a threat...

That is a promise...


Now as you internet trolls say:

Screenshots or GTFO

Edited by benpowell987

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For f*ck sake so much wall of texts

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