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LGN Severant

Create a Sub forum for Clans that wish to recruit (Poll)

Do you want a sub-forum for clan recruitment  

24 members have voted

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I don't mind clans posting for members, traps aside. But its kinda annoying to see [clan name] Is recruiting! all the time with a dozen of them in the thread list, Can we get a seperate sub-forum for clans that want to recruit? and leave the current bandit forum for people who want to post stories about how they killed tons of dudes and how they're a 1337 pro sniper! with as50/LA85 AWS combo ghillie suit montage shit?

Ideally, i'd like to see the aforementioned sub-forum have permanent posts with rules about bumping, like once per day by the OP to stop "lol join my clan guyz plsplsplspls i'm 13 but tots machure bro lolz" bumps happening.

Tl;dr, make a sub forum for bandit clans recruiting please.

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There needs to be an "I would sell my first twelve born children for this to be a reality" vote option

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