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Goody bag tent for new players, or bandaids sent on the wings of angels?

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I mentioned this in a post on the medic thread but I thought it deserved its own topic.

Earlier today, I was killed by the bug where you die upon login, and then respawn with absolutely zilch in your inventory (seriously, I didn't even have a flashlight, bandage, anything). I was contemplating what the heck I should do next when I happened across a tent set up on a hill above Elektro. The tent had a couple bandages and a Makarov with some ammo. Always wary, I thought perhaps it might be a sniper trap, but it was set up amongst the terrain in such a way that it would have made for a terrible trap. No, it was clearly set out by some thoughtful person to help out people spawning on the coast. Not five minutes later, that bandage saved me because I would have otherwise bled to death from a zombie attack.

I play a medic character, and I think this is a cool idea. Gather up some food/bandages/small arms/etc. and place them in tents in helpful locations where new/just respawned players can stumble across them (being sure not to put the tents somewhere that they are sniper fodder). I plan to put some tents up along the southern coast with a few goodies to repay the favor, and I hope some other people read this and get the same idea.

I went from being wacked out at 3 am, pissed off at having just lost all my gear, bumping into shit in the dark, and generally not having a good time, when I stumbled across that tent. After an extremely frustrating evening, it made me feel just a little better. And I can't express how grateful I felt to the anonymous person that put up that tent after I nearly bled out in the dark and was saved by one of those bandages. It's the small moments like this which make DayZ great, and why I keep playing.

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Look it the other way, that guy probably cursed you when he spawned fresh, went to his tent and saw everything was gone! :D But you raised your karma and it made you feel better and that's great ;)

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  On 8/24/2012 at 9:26 AM, Jepix said:

Look it the other way, that guy probably cursed you when he spawned fresh, went to his tent and saw everything was gone! :D But you raised your karma and it made you feel better and that's great ;)

Haha that's very true. Though it was pretty obvious to spot...if you're going to put up a tent within a couple hundred meters of a spawn point you can't really expect people not to find it :D

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Nice work, bro. There's lots of empty tents out there and any that I find I'm always sure to deposit my excess food/drink, survival gear and medical supplies into for other survivors to use. (No weapons or ammo, there's a story on these forums where someone aided a random by giving them a gun who then went on a killing spree.)

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