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[ETW] Elektro Total War (Server US2386)

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CaptainCrunch and I (Stings2pee) were playing on this server about 30 minutes ago. Long story short, I immediately repaired a helicopter on Skalisty Island after the server restarted. (We'll discover that this [ETW] clan was also repairing another helicopter at the same time). After the server was up for about 45 minutes, I had mine completely repaired and flew to Cherno. To my surprise, there was another helicopter flying around in Cherno and the door gunner shot me down. My friend (CaptainCrunch) was a sniper on the silos and killed them with his AS50 when they landed and tried to go loot my dead body. I respawned in Cherno and stole THEIR chopper, picked up my friend, and flew away.

...About 5 minutes later, the [ETW] clan owner restarts the server and causes us to lose the chopper (since vehicles do not save anymore).

That's such fucking bullshit. CaptainCrunch legitimately killed them and they restart the server causing us to lose a chopper. The server had only just restarted like an hour ago. They intentionally restarted it to fuck us over in a fair battle. What a bunch of poor sports.

When you're not trying to avoid hackers, ALT+F4ing dick heads, there's always abusive admins that restart the server when it's beneficial to the clan.

/le sigh


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played on their server before legitimately, got banned for sniping someone with the etw tag with a dmr, he has an as50 + tws.

turned on hacks after that, and just watched them, So far they've probably restarted the server about 8 times during firefights.

PS. I do not support, or condone the use of hacks for anything other than playing on a character with no items and just to watch players, Most of the time to record gameplay.

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True that, there's alot of posts already about people getting kicked or banned from server after killing the admin(s), probably cuz they have high end loot and /rage irl

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played on their server before legitimately, got banned for sniping someone with the etw tag with a dmr, he has an as50 + tws.

turned on hacks after that, and just watched them, So far they've probably restarted the server about 8 times during firefights.

PS. I do not support, or condone the use of hacks for anything other than playing on a character with no items and just to watch players, Most of the time to record gameplay.

To be honest, I'm actually considering purchasing hacks after this bullshit to take out my wrath on these jerk-offs. I've always been a fair player in every game I play but this is just pathetic. And good on you. I support what you said about using hacks in this manner.

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played on their server before legitimately, got banned for sniping someone with the etw tag with a dmr, he has an as50 + tws.

turned on hacks after that, and just watched them, So far they've probably restarted the server about 8 times during firefights.

PS. I do not support, or condone the use of hacks for anything other than playing on a character with no items and just to watch players, Most of the time to record gameplay.

hmmm...this actually makes sense. if battleye doesn't do shit and hackers ruin the game for everyone else, why not play the wolf and beat them at their own game.

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Get your own server then. The server rules are dumb already theoretically only giving admins the pleasure of spending money so that other people can play.

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Get your own server then. The server rules are dumb already theoretically only giving admins the pleasure of spending money so that other people can play.

hmm another retarded argument.

what's next - "make your own game, brah"?

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If you're considering getting hacks, Please, Please Please and once more, Please. Only use them to spectate, Do not use them to troll, Do not use them to grief, and dont ruin player's good times.

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If you're considering getting hacks, Please, Please Please and once more, Please. Only use them to spectate, Do not use them to troll, Do not use them to grief, and dont ruin player's good times.

Of course not. In this instance though, I'd like to go invisible and cuss out the admin and clan members over direct chat and kill them for intentionally restarting the server. >:( But no, I don't agree with using hacks for malicious purposes. Ruins the game. Like I said in my earlier post, I've always been an honest and fair player.

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hmm another retarded argument.

what's next - "make your own game, brah"?

So using someone elses server for which they pay for and crying about how they behave on it is perfectly normal? Fuck off cock sucker.

For me, the reason why servers operate under such strict rules is to appear open and make it easier for people to join a game.

They devs didn't want to pay out of their own pocket for 4000 official servers so they just used everyone to do it for them. LOL.

At least it worked so that rocket could put that "1000000" players since april" or whatever on his slideshow at gamescon.

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So using someone elses server for which they pay for and crying about how they behave on it is perfectly normal? Fuck off cock sucker.

For me, the reason why servers operate under such strict rules is to appear open and make it easier for people to join a game.

They devs didn't want to pay out of their own pocket for 4000 official servers so they just used everyone to do it for them. LOL.

At least it worked so that rocket could put that "1000000" players since april" or whatever on his slideshow at gamescon.

sound mad bro ... maybe you should go play Hello Kitty Adventure Island ... sounds more your speed ...

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CaptainCrunch and I (Stings2pee) were playing on this server about 30 minutes ago. Long story short, I immediately repaired a helicopter on Skalisty Island after the server restarted. (We'll discover that this [ETW] clan was also repairing another helicopter at the same time). After the server was up for about 45 minutes, I had mine completely repaired and flew to Cherno. To my surprise, there was another helicopter flying around in Cherno and the door gunner shot me down. My friend (CaptainCrunch) was a sniper on the silos and killed them with his AS50 when they landed and tried to go loot my dead body. I respawned in Cherno and stole THEIR chopper, picked up my friend, and flew away.

...About 5 minutes later, the [ETW] clan owner restarts the server and causes us to lose the chopper (since vehicles do not save anymore).

That's such fucking bullshit. CaptainCrunch legitimately killed them and they restart the server causing us to lose a chopper. The server had only just restarted like an hour ago. They intentionally restarted it to fuck us over in a fair battle. What a bunch of poor sports.

When you're not trying to avoid hackers, ALT+F4ing dick heads, there's always abusive admins that restart the server when it's beneficial to the clan.

/le sigh

Hey man, I'm sorry you lost the chopper. We were experiencing diffulculties and strange happenings with the server all night, as well as a few nights prior. Unfortunately with all the hacking going on lately it is hard to tell what's legitimate and what's not. The other night we were experiencing problems with hackers and had to restart the server several times as well. I'm almost sure I gave at the very least a warning before the restart which would have given you a chance to save the heli. If you did not have a chance to save it, or the save function did not work properly I apologize. If you could PM me or talk with me on skype, I would really like to get this all sorted out. I hope you come back and play on our server although with it being so new it is often quiet and uneventful.

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played on their server before legitimately, got banned for sniping someone with the etw tag with a dmr, he has an as50 + tws.

turned on hacks after that, and just watched them, So far they've probably restarted the server about 8 times during firefights.

PS. I do not support, or condone the use of hacks for anything other than playing on a character with no items and just to watch players, Most of the time to record gameplay.

Again, I apologize if you were booted wrongfully or the server re-started unexpectedly. It is difficult to tell what's legitimate and what's not... We have been hacked against in other servers so many times it is insane. We don't want anyone hacking in firefights on our server, it's possible that we were mistaken about the hacking in that instance, but like I said it's very difficult to tell who is being legit and who's not. Once again I apologize if you feel it was wrongful but I'm sure you can understand. As for the second comment you made about the server restarts during 8 firefights, that's just simply untrue. Our server is very new, and to be honest we have only been in a small handful of firefights on it. We mostly play in other servers because our server is still so uneventful, and to my recolection the only other server restart was that directly followed a firefight was after a hacker with god mode blew up all of elektro. But then again I'm not the only admin so it may have been somebody else, if that is the case, I will make it a point to talk with the others about admin privelage abuse. I want everyone to have a good time on the server, and I hope we can get this straightened out.

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Hey man, I'm sorry you lost the chopper. We were experiencing diffulculties and strange happenings with the server all night, as well as a few nights prior. Unfortunately with all the hacking going on lately it is hard to tell what's legitimate and what's not. The other night we were experiencing problems with hackers and had to restart the server several times as well. I'm almost sure I gave at the very least a warning before the restart which would have given you a chance to save the heli. If you did not have a chance to save it, or the save function did not work properly I apologize. If you could PM me or talk with me on skype, I would really like to get this all sorted out. I hope you come back and play on our server although with it being so new it is often quiet and uneventful.

Assuming that you are the server owner, thank-you for coming on the forums to address the issue.

I really don't believe you were experiencing problems with hackers that night... But it's a nice excuse.

FACT #1: There were only 8 people out of 30 on the server. Me, CaptainCrunch, 4 of your clan members, and 2 random people. Also, hackers typically only target high-population servers.

FACT #2: Only a couple people were killed over the course of the hour (including one of your clan members - I believe your door gunner since he had no loot on his body) - indicating that no one was teleporting and mass-killing the server. Again, not a sign of hackers.

If I had to guess, you probably thought WE were hackers seeing as how we fixed a helicopter at the same time as you guys. Hence:

with all the hacking going on lately it is hard to tell what's legitimate and what's not

So just because you have a hunch, that automatically means to restart WITHOUT any proof? Besides, even if we were hackers, couldn't we just rejoin and spawn another helicopter? I don't understand the significance of restarting the server. It doesn't stop hackers. :s

FACT #3: Asides from 1 clan member, no one else from [ETW] rejoined the server after restarting it. So why restart it unless it was to intentionally screw us over? Even then, why make it so obvious? All of your clan members rage quit after 2 died THEN, 5 minutes later, it restarts? Come on. Seriously?

I'm almost sure I gave at the very least a warning before the restart which would have given you a chance to save the heli.

FACT #4: You did not post an admin global message warning of the server restart. Even if you did, and we had time to save it, the hive is NOT saving vehicles currently.

FACT #5: I'm not the only player with complaints about your server and admin abuse.

If you would've come on here, confessed, and promised to regulate server restarts (Example: "Server restarts will only happen at 12:00AM EST and 12:00PM EST") then perhaps you would gain the trust of more players. But when you restart the server sporadically in excess of 4+ times per day, you wonder why

it is often quiet and uneventful.

I can't say I'll be visiting your server again anytime soon.

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Assuming that you are the server owner, thank-you for coming on the forums to address the issue.

I really don't believe you were experiencing problems with hackers that night... But it's a nice excuse.

FACT #1: There were only 8 people out of 30 on the server. Me, CaptainCrunch, 4 of your clan members, and 2 random people. Also, hackers typically only target high-population servers.

FACT #2: Only a couple people were killed over the course of the hour (including one of your clan members - I believe your door gunner since he had no loot on his body) - indicating that no one was teleporting and mass-killing the server. Again, not a sign of hackers.

If I had to guess, you probably thought WE were hackers seeing as how we fixed a helicopter at the same time as you guys. Hence:

So just because you have a hunch, that automatically means to restart WITHOUT any proof? Besides, even if we were hackers, couldn't we just rejoin and spawn another helicopter? I don't understand the significance of restarting the server. It doesn't stop hackers. :s

FACT #3: Asides from 1 clan member, no one else from [ETW] rejoined the server after restarting it. So why restart it unless it was to intentionally screw us over? Even then, why make it so obvious? All of your clan members rage quit after 2 died THEN, 5 minutes later, it restarts? Come on. Seriously?

FACT #4: You did not post an admin global message warning of the server restart. Even if you did, and we had time to save it, the hive is NOT saving vehicles currently.

FACT #5: I'm not the only player with complaints about your server and admin abuse.

If you would've come on here, confessed, and promised to regulate server restarts (Example: "Server restarts will only happen at 12:00AM EST and 12:00PM EST") then perhaps you would gain the trust of more players. But when you restart the server sporadically in excess of 4+ times per day, you wonder why

I can't say I'll be visiting your server again anytime soon.

Well that is unfortunate that you will not be coming back. But if you look at the picture you posted, the only time it was restarted 4 times was that night and the 4th one was simply because the restart button was hit twice while the web-console was lagging on vilayer. Although I know you don't believe me, the restart was not malicious and that's all I can say. Literally 5 mins ago, I signed on to our server to experience someone by the name of Existence(Admin) hacking on our server, using god mode and then spawned everyone in mid air and tried to mass kill everyone. And for some strange reason it will not let sign in to the in game server control without kicking me. So once again I am going to have to restart and possible stop the server for awhile until we can get this straightened out. Hacking is a very real problem and server admins and owners have to deal with it just about everysingle day/night. Once again I apologize you feel this way, but contrary to your beliefs that server restart had nothing to do with you on a personal level like you feel it did.

As for your comment about not being the only player that has complaints...

On a usually night there are about 10 people on our server, and just about all of them are regulars and keep coming back day after day.

I'm sorry you and backpage had a bad experience on our server, but can you please keep the flaming to a minimum.

I understand why you feel your expereince was bad and I have apologized. I will do my best to make sure events like these are kept to a minimum and the admin privelages are treated fairly in the future.

Edited by Nonsense

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Well that is unfortunate that you will not be coming back. But if you look at the picture you posted, the only time it was restarted 4 times was that night and the 4th one was simply because the restart button was hit twice while the web-console was lagging on vilayer. Although I know you don't believe me, the restart was not malicious and that's all I can say. Literally 5 mins ago, I signed on to our server to experience someone by the name of Existence(Admin) hacking on our server, using god mode and then spawned everyone in mid air and tried to mass kill everyone. And for some strange reason it will not let sign in to the in game server control without kicking me. So once again I am going to have to restart and possible stop the server for awhile until we can get this straightened out. Hacking is a very real problem and server admins and owners have to deal with it just about everysingle day/night. Once again I apologize you feel this way, but contrary to your beliefs that server restart had nothing to do with you on a personal level like you feel it did.

Fair enough. I use to manage a server myself on Zombie Panic! Source and it can be difficult to accurately detect hackers and deal with them properly. I suppose I can't fault you for that since DayZ is just riddled with 'em. I just want you to know, even though we don't see eye-to-eye on this particular event, I do give you credit for coming on here to discuss it. Hopefully once BattleEye gets improved or the standalone is released, it'll be easier for admins to do their job fairly and stop this sort of thing in the future.

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Fair enough. I use to manage a server myself on Zombie Panic! Source and it can be difficult to accurately detect hackers and deal with them properly. I suppose I can't fault you for that since DayZ is just riddled with 'em. I just want you to know, even though we don't see eye-to-eye on this particular event, I do give you credit for coming on here to discuss it. Hopefully once BattleEye gets improved or the standalone is released, it'll be easier for admins to do their job fairly and stop this sort of thing in the future.

Hey man, thank you for being understanding. I appreciate that you can see the other side of it. I'm glad we can both be mature about this. As you said we may see the situation a little differently we can both respect each others point of view. You don't see much of that on the internet now-a-days, so the fact we can settle an issue like this with maturity and understanding is refreshing. I've said it several times but I'll say it again, I'm sorry this all happened and hope that maybe we can play some DayZ in future. Thanks again for being understanding, I appreciate it!

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Again, I apologize if you were booted wrongfully or the server re-started unexpectedly. It is difficult to tell what's legitimate and what's not... We have been hacked against in other servers so many times it is insane. We don't want anyone hacking in firefights on our server, it's possible that we were mistaken about the hacking in that instance, but like I said it's very difficult to tell who is being legit and who's not. Once again I apologize if you feel it was wrongful but I'm sure you can understand. As for the second comment you made about the server restarts during 8 firefights, that's just simply untrue. Our server is very new, and to be honest we have only been in a small handful of firefights on it. We mostly play in other servers because our server is still so uneventful, and to my recolection the only other server restart was that directly followed a firefight was after a hacker with god mode blew up all of elektro. But then again I'm not the only admin so it may have been somebody else, if that is the case, I will make it a point to talk with the others about admin privelage abuse. I want everyone to have a good time on the server, and I hope we can get this straightened out.


lol this picture says it all. also i was the one who killed both you guys when you landed your chopper, i thought that was pretty funny ahahaha

Edited by CaptainCrunch

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Well that is unfortunate that you will not be coming back. But if you look at the picture you posted, the only time it was restarted 4 times was that night and the 4th one was simply because the restart button was hit twice while the web-console was lagging on vilayer. Although I know you don't believe me, the restart was not malicious and that's all I can say. Literally 5 mins ago, I signed on to our server to experience someone by the name of Existence(Admin) hacking on our server, using god mode and then spawned everyone in mid air and tried to mass kill everyone. And for some strange reason it will not let sign in to the in game server control without kicking me. So once again I am going to have to restart and possible stop the server for awhile until we can get this straightened out. Hacking is a very real problem and server admins and owners have to deal with it just about everysingle day/night. Once again I apologize you feel this way, but contrary to your beliefs that server restart had nothing to do with you on a personal level like you feel it did.

As for your comment about not being the only player that has complaints...

On a usually night there are about 10 people on our server, and just about all of them are regulars and keep coming back day after day.

I'm sorry you and backpage had a bad experience on our server, but can you please keep the flaming to a minimum.

I understand why you feel your expereince was bad and I have apologized. I will do my best to make sure events like these are kept to a minimum and the admin privelages are treated fairly in the future.

You're terrible at making excuses, Your server is shit, And you've restarted it multiple times during firefights, vehicle theft, or people who raid your base.

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You're terrible at making excuses, Your server is shit, And you've restarted it multiple times during firefights, vehicle theft, or people who raid your base.

Sorry you feel that way man. But there are some problems with your accusation.

First of all. We don't have a base.

Second... with the exception of the night of the heli incident we rarely have vehicles, and see no real point in obtaining them with the current hive version (Vehicles do not save well).

Third... I'm no liar. I can show you clear evidence of hacking pulled from the script logs of our server. And I'm sure if I dug deep enough I could pull the logs and show that you were hacking on our server as you said you were.

Seeing as you openly admitted to hacking on our server, "turned on hacks after that, and just watched them, So far they've probably restarted the server about 8 times during firefights." I'm sure you know that hacking is a real problem and is hard to combat. The second part of your accusation however just isn't true, and you know it. As I said our server tends to be low population and pretty quiet. We have yet to even get into 8 firefights while playing on it. And only two people have been banned from our server, they were banned for hacking. Apparently you were one of them. I'm sorry you feel you were banned unjustly. I can't change that.

Fourth... I did not make any excuses. I simply explained my reasoning as well apologized for how my actions were interpreted.

The server restart didn't really have much to do with them. We could care less about the stupid helicopter. We suspected something fishy, and if I remember correctly we were signing off for the night, so I restarted the server to prevent it from becoming bogged down over the course of the next 12 or so hours until I could get on again. If you must know. But to be honest it's really none of your business. We pay a handsome fee for the server and to be frank we can operate it the way that we want.

I'll say it once again... I apologize you feel you were treated unfairly and I will do my best to make sure we handle these situations a little bit better in the future.

I will not be commenting on this again. Stings2Pee and I have settled this like adults and I hope he comes back to play on our server again. As for you, I hope you can understand my side of the issue, if not that's fine as well.

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We pay a handsome fee for the server and to be frank we can operate it the way that we want.

Actually, You might want to read the dayz hosting posts again.

Because you dont actually have any authority to do anything with your server unless its a private hive. and it's not.

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